📄️ ACL CATPrint ACL categories and per-group commands

📄️ ACL DELUSERLearn how to use Redis ACL DELUSER to remove specified users from the Access Control List and enhance datastore security.

📄️ ACL DRYRUNSimulate execution of a command from a user

📄️ ACL GETUSERPrint ACL’s of a user

📄️ ACL LISTLearn how to use Redis ACL LIST to retrieve the list of rules for all the existing users.

📄️ ACL LOADLoad all ACL configuration from a file

📄️ ACL LOGPrint the ACL logs

📄️ ACL SAVEPersist currently defined ACL’s to file

📄️ ACL SETUSERLearn how to use Redis ACL SETUSER to modify or create new user rules in the Access Control List.

📄️ ACL USERSPrint the usernames of all users

📄️ ACL WHOAMILearn how to use Redis ACL WHOAMI to return the name of the authenticated user.