
📄️ DELLearn how to use Redis DEL command to delete a key.

📄️ DISCARDMaster Redis DISCARD command that discards all commands issued after MULTI.

📄️ DUMPUnderstand how to use Redis DUMP command for returning a serialized version of stored value.

📄️ EVALLearn how to use Redis EVAL command to execute a Lua script.

📄️ EVALSHAGet insights on Redis EVALSHA command for executing Lua scripts using SHA-1.

📄️ EXECDiscover how to use Redis EXEC command to execute all commands issued after MULTI.

📄️ EXISTSLearn how Redis EXISTS command checks if a key exists.

📄️ EXPIRELearn Redis EXPIRE command that sets a key’s time-to-live in seconds.

📄️ EXPIREATMake use of Redis EXPIREAT command to set key expiry with UNIX timestamp.

📄️ FIELDEXPIREFIELDEXPIRE command to set the expiration time of specific values for hset and set family.

📄️ FIELDTTLLearn the Dragonfly FIELDTTL command to get remaining time-to-live of a key.

📄️ KEYSLearn to use Redis KEYS command to find keys that match a pattern.

📄️ MOVELearn usage of Redis MOVE command that moves a key to another database.

📄️ MULTIDiscover the Redis MULTI command used for transactions.

📄️ PERSISTLearn how Redis PERSIST command removes a key’s time-to-live.

📄️ PEXPIREUnderstand the use of Redis PEXPIRE command to set key expiry in milliseconds.

📄️ PEXPIREATUse Redis PEXPIREAT command sets a key’s time-to-live in UNIX time.

📄️ PTTLLearn to apply Redis PTTL command to get the time-to-live of a key in milliseconds.

📄️ RENAMELearn Redis RENAME command which renames a key.

📄️ RENAMENXLearn Redis RENAMENX command to rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.

📄️ RESTOREGet insights on using Redis RESTORE command to create key using serialized value.

📄️ SCANDiscover how to use Redis SCAN command for incremental iteration over a collection of keys.

📄️ SCRIPT EXISTSUnderstand Redis SCRIPT EXISTS command for checking scripts’ existence in the cache.

📄️ SCRIPT HELPUse Redis SCRIPT HELP command to understand script debugging capabilities.

📄️ SCRIPT LATENCYGet the Redis SCRIPT LATENCY command to manage script evaluation latency.

📄️ SCRIPT LISTLearn how to use Redis SCRIPT LIST to return a list of issued script commands.

📄️ SCRIPT LOADLearn to use the Redis SCRIPT LOAD command which loads a script into cache.

📄️ SCRIPTGet insights on how to use the Redis SCRIPT command for managing Lua scripts.

📄️ SORTDiscover how to use Redis SORT command for sorting elements in list, set or sorted sets.

📄️ STICKLearn to apply STICK command to prevent items from being evicted.

📄️ TOUCHLearn how the Redis TOUCH command alters the last access time of a key.

📄️ TTLLearn the Redis TTL command to get remaining time-to-live of a key.

📄️ TYPEExplore the Redis TYPE command for finding a key’s data type.

📄️ UNLINKUnderstand the use of Redis UNLINK command to delete keys avoiding blocking operations.

📄️ UNWATCHLearn to use Redis UNWATCH command that flushes all previously watched keys.

📄️ WATCHLearn the use of Redis WATCH command to monitor keys for conditional transactions.