Unreleased Changes


These changes have not yet been released.

If you are viewing this document on the Crate.io website, these changes reflect what exists on the master branch in Git. This is where we collect changes before they are ready for release.


Unreleased changes may not be ready for general use and could lead to data corruption or data loss. You should back up your data before experimenting with unreleased changes.

Breaking Changes







  • Fixed an issue in the execution plan generation for SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... statements with predicates like 'a' in ANY(varchar_array_column). Such predicates resulted in a cast on the column ('a' in ANY(varchar_array_column::array(varchar(1)))), leading to poor performance because the indices couldn’t get utilized. This fix significantly improves the performance of such queries. In a test over 100000 records, the query runtime improved from 320ms to 2ms.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a NullPointerException if a user invoked a SELECT statement with a predicate on a OBJECT (ignored) column immediately after a DELETE statement.