Version 4.3.3

Released on 2021-01-06.


If you are upgrading a cluster, you must be running CrateDB 4.0.2 or higher before you upgrade to 4.3.3.

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest 4.2 release before moving to 4.3.3.

A rolling upgrade from 4.2.6+ to 4.3.3 is supported.

Before upgrading, you should back up your data.


  • Fixed an issue in the PostgreSQL wire protocol that prevented values from being serialized correctly if the client didn’t send a describe message and used the binary serialization format.

  • Fixed an issue resulting in an error when using a ORDER BY clause inside the subquery of a INSERT INTO statement.

  • Fixed a regression introduced in CrateDB 4.2.0 leading to a NPE when copying data from one table to another using INSERT INTO ... while the source table contains more than 128 columns.

  • Fixed an issue resulting in the full generated expression as the column name inside data exported by COPY TO statements.

  • Fixed an issue resulting double-quoted column names inside data exported by COPY TO statements.

  • Fixed a memory leak in the DNS discovery seed provider. The memory leak occurred if you configured discovery.seed_providers=srv.

  • Fixed a regression introduced in CrateDB 4.0 preventing the global setting to be changed.

  • Fixed handling of spaces in $CRATE_HOME. Users would get a No such file or directory error if the path set via $CRATE_HOME contained spaces.