Upload API


This feature is experimental and subject to breaking changes. See the Conan stability section for more information.

class UploadAPI(conan_api)

  • check_upstream(package_list, remote, enabled_remotes, force=False)

    Check if the artifacts are already in the specified remote, skipping them from the package_list in that case

  • prepare(package_list, enabled_remotes, metadata=None)

    Compress the recipes and packages and fill the upload_data objects with the complete information. It doesn’t perform the upload nor checks upstream to see if the recipe is still there :param package_list: :param enabled_remotes: :param metadata: A list of patterns of metadata that should be uploaded. Default None means all metadata will be uploaded together with the pkg artifacts. If metadata is empty string (“”), it means that no metadata files should be uploaded.

  • upload_full(package_list, remote, enabled_remotes, check_integrity=False, force=False, metadata=None, dry_run=False)

    Does the whole process of uploading, including the possibility of parallelizing per recipe based on core.upload:parallel: - calls check_integrity - checks which revision already exist in the server (not necessary to upload) - prepare the artifacts to upload (compress .tgz) - execute the actual upload - upload potential sources backups