Network Chaos actions are mainly divided into the following two categories:

  • Network Partition action separates pods into several independent subnets by blocking communication between them.

  • Network Emulation (Netem) Chaos actions cover regular network faults, such as network delay, duplication, loss, and corruption.

Network Partition Action

Below is a sample network partition configuration file:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: NetworkChaos
  3. metadata:
  4. name: network-partition-example
  5. namespace: chaos-testing
  6. spec:
  7. action: partition
  8. mode: one
  9. selector:
  10. namespaces:
  11. - tidb-cluster-demo
  12. labelSelectors:
  13. "": "tikv"
  14. direction: to
  15. target:
  16. selector:
  17. namespaces:
  18. - tidb-cluster-demo
  19. labelSelectors:
  20. "": "tikv"
  21. mode: one
  22. duration: "10s"
  23. scheduler:
  24. cron: "@every 15s"

For more sample files, see examples. You can edit them as needed.


  • action defines the specific chaos action for the pod. In this case, it is network partition.
  • mode defines the mode to run chaos action.
  • selector specifies the target pods for chaos injection.
  • direction specifies the partition direction. Supported directions are from, to, and both.
  • target specifies the target for network partition.
  • duration defines the duration for each chaos experiment. In the sample file above, the network partition lasts for 10 seconds.
  • scheduler defines the scheduler rules for the running time of the chaos experiment. For more rule information, see

Netem Chaos Actions

There are 4 cases for netem chaos actions, namely loss, delay, duplicate, and corrupt.


The detailed description of each field in the configuration template are consistent with that in Network Partition.

Network Loss

A Network Loss action causes network packets to drop randomly. To add a Network Loss action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, two action specific attributes are required - loss and correlation.

  1. loss:
  2. loss: "25"
  3. correlation: "25"

loss defines the percentage of packet loss.

Network chaos variation isn't purely random, so to emulate that there is a correlation value as well.

Network Delay

A Network Delay action causes delays in message sending. To add a Network Delay action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, three action specific attributes are required - correlation, jitter, and latency.

  1. delay:
  2. latency: "90ms"
  3. correlation: "25"
  4. jitter: "90ms"

latency defines the delay time in sending packets.

jitter specifies the jitter of the delay time.

In the above example, the network latency is 90ms ± 90ms.

Network Duplicate

A Network Duplicate action causes packet duplication. To add a Network Duplicate action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, two attributes are required - correlation and duplicate.

  1. duplicate:
  2. duplicate: "40"
  3. correlation: "25"

duplicate indicates the percentage of packet duplication. In the above example, the duplication rate is 40%.

Network Corrupt

A Network Corrupt action causes packet corruption. To add a Network Corrupt action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, two action specific attributes are required - correlation and corrupt.

  1. corrupt:
  2. corrupt: "40"
  3. correlation: "25"

corrupt specifies the percentage of packet corruption.