
Q: If I do not have k8s, can I using Chaos Mesh to create chaos experiments

No, you can not use Chaos Mesh in this case, but you can still do chaos experiments using command line following Command Line Usages of Chaos


Q: Experiment not working after chaos is applied

You can debug as decribed below:

Use kubectl describe to show the specified chaos experiment resource.

  • If there are NextStart and NextRecover fields under spec, then the chaos will be triggered after NextStart is executed.

  • If there are no NextStart and NextRecoverfields in spec, then use kubectl logs -n chaos-testing chaos-controller-manager-xxxxx (replace this with the name of the controller-manager) | grep "ERROR" to get controller-manager's log and see whether there are errors in it. For error message no pod is selected, use kubectl get pods -n yourNamespace —show-labels to show the labels and check if the selector is desired. For other related errors in controller's log, please file an issue.

If the above steps cannot solve the problem, please contact us by filing an issue or message us in the slack channel.


Q: chaosfs sidecar container run failed, and log shows pid file found, ensure docker is not running or delete /tmp/fuse/pid

The chaosfs sidecar container is continuously restarting, and you may see following logs at the current sidecar container:

  1. 2020-01-19T06:30:56.629Z INFO chaos-daemon Init hookfs
  2. 2020-01-19T06:30:56.630Z ERROR chaos-daemon failed to create pid file {"error": "pid file found, ensure docker is not running or delete /tmp/fuse/pid"}
  3. github.com/go-logr/zapr.(*zapLogger).Error
  • Cause: chaos-mesh uses fuse to hijack I/O operations. It fails if you specify an existing directory as the source path for chaos. This often happens when you try to reuse a persistent volume (PV) with the Retain reclaim policy to request a PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC) resource.
  • Solution: In this case, use the following command to change the reclaim policy to Delete:
  1. kubectl patch pv <your-pv-name> -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}'