

This module contains various utilities related to dates and times.

class celery.utils.timeutils.LocalTimezone[源代码]

Local time implementation taken from Python’s docs.

Used only when UTC is not enabled.


Coerces integer to timedelta if delta is an integer.


Convert datetime.timedelta to seconds.

Doesn’t account for negative values.

celery.utils.timeutils.delta_resolution(dt, delta)[源代码]

Round a datetime to the resolution of a timedelta.

If the timedelta is in days, the datetime will be rounded to the nearest days, if the timedelta is in hours the datetime will be rounded to the nearest hour, and so on until seconds which will just return the original datetime.

celery.utils.timeutils.remaining(start, ends_in, now=None, relative=False)[源代码]

Calculate the remaining time for a start date and a timedelta.

e.g. “how many seconds left for 30 seconds after start?”

  • start – Start datetime.
  • ends_in – The end delta as a timedelta.
  • relative – If enabled the end time will be calculated using delta_resolution() (i.e. rounded to the resolution of ends_in).
  • now – Function returning the current time and date, defaults to datetime.utcnow().


Parse rate strings, such as “100/m”, “2/h” or “0.5/s” and convert them to seconds.


Return the position of a weekday (0 - 7, where 0 is Sunday).


  1. >>> weekday('sunday'), weekday('sun'), weekday('mon')
  2. (0, 0, 1)

celery.utils.timeutils.humanize_seconds(secs, prefix=’’, sep=’’, now=’now’)[源代码]

Show seconds in human form, e.g. 60 is “1 minute”, 7200 is “2 hours”.

参数:prefix – Can be used to add a preposition to the output, e.g. ‘in’ will give ‘in 1 second’, but add nothing to ‘now’.


Either datetime | str -> datetime or None -> None


Return True if the datetime is naive (does not have timezone information).

celery.utils.timeutils.make_aware(dt, tz)[源代码]

Sets the timezone for a datetime object.

celery.utils.timeutils.localize(dt, tz)[源代码]

Convert aware datetime to another timezone.


Converts naive datetime to UTC

celery.utils.timeutils.maybe_make_aware(dt, tz=None)[源代码]

class celery.utils.timeutils.ffwd(year=None, month=None, weeks=0, weekday=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None, \*kwargs*)

Version of relativedelta that only supports addition.


celery.utils.timeutils.adjust_timestamp(ts, offset, here=<function utcoffset at 0xb126374>)
