
Remote debugger for Celery tasks running in multiprocessing pool workers. Inspired by http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/7248


  1. from celery.contrib import rdb
  2. from celery import task
  3. @task()
  4. def add(x, y):
  5. result = x + y
  6. rdb.set_trace()
  7. return result

Environment Variables


Hostname to bind to. Default is ‘127.0.01’, which means the socket will only be accessible from the local host.


Base port to bind to. Default is 6899. The debugger will try to find an available port starting from the base port. The selected port will be logged by the worker.


Set breakpoint at current location, or a specified frame


Return the current debugger instance (if any), or creates a new one.

class celery.contrib.rdb.Rdb(host=’’, port=6899, port_search_limit=100, port_skew=0, out=<open file ‘<stdout>’, mode ‘w’ at 0x40482078>)[源代码]