(Optional) Try with Docker



All OSes (Linux, Windows and macOS) are supported.


You can use docker in Linux and Docker Desktop in Windows and macOS.

Get the image

We have provided two DockerHub images:

casdoor-all-in-oneBoth Casdoor and a MySQL database are inside the imageAlready includes a toy database and only for test purpose
casdoorOnly Casdoor is inside the imageCan be connected to your own database and used in production
  1. casbin/casdoor-all-in-one, in which casdoor binary, a mysql database and all necessary configurations are packed up. This image is for new user to have a trial on casdoor quickly. With this image you can start a casdoor immediately with one single command (or two) without any complex configuration. Note: we DO NOT recommend you to use this image in productive environment

Option-1: Use the toy database

Run the container with port 8000 exposed to host. It will automatically pull the image if it doesn’t exist in the local host.

  1. docker run -p 8000:8000 casbin/casdoor-all-in-one

Visit: http://localhost:8000 in your browser. Log into Casdoor dashboard with the default global admin account: built-in/admin

  1. admin
  2. 123

Option-2: Bring your own database

Configure your database by modifying the following items in conf/app.conf like a normal Casdoor installation:

  1. driverName = mysql
  2. dataSourceName = root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/
  3. dbName = casdoor

Then run:

  1. docker-compose up

That’s it! 🛩️

Visit: http://localhost:8000 in your browser. Log into Casdoor dashboard with the default global admin account: built-in/admin

  1. admin
  2. 123