

菜单:View ‣ Perspective/Orthographic

这些操作改变了视图摄像机的投影.每个3D视图都支持两种不同类型的投影. 如下图所示.


Our eye is used to perspective viewing because distant objects appear smaller.Orthographic projection often seems a bit odd at first,because objects stay the same size regardless of their distance.It is like viewing the scene from an infinitely distant point.Nevertheless, orthographic viewing is very useful(it is the default in Blender and most other 3D applications),because it provides a more "technical" insight into the scene,making it easier to model and judge proportions.


要更改3D视图的投影, 请选择 视图 ‣ 正交视图 或者 视图 ‣ 透视视图 菜单项. 使用快捷键 Numpad5 在两种模式之间切换.改变3D视图的投影并不会影响到场景的渲染方式. 默认情况下,是在透视视图下渲染的。 如果你需要创建一个正交渲染, 选择摄相机, 到相机标签页, 在 镜头 面板选择 正交 按钮。

See also