AnythingLLM Changelog v1.5.9

New Features:

Now you can upload local files, edit their contents, and AnythingLLM will automatically re-sync these files. While in beta, please do not watch thousands of files locally.

Read more about local file sync →

  • You can now fork messages to start new threads from any point in a conversation
  • You can now delete singular messages to remove them from a conversation - [x] We improved the layout of all icons below each chat. Hover to show them all - [x] We finally have a clean sidebar layout! - [x] We removed the limit of 12 for max snippets for a vector db search. - [x] Generic OpenAi connector can now be used for @agents.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Improvements to the beta background worker functionality
  • Patched issue with some agent providers falling back on model that doesn’t exist
  • Patched issue with OpenAI-compatible API endpoint always returning refusals
  • General UI and typo cleanup
  • Fixed issue where Confluence code snippets would not be collected.
  • Refactored and improved PDF loader/parser
  • Patched “domain” issue with bulk link scraper
  • Added system wide logger for easier debugging

What’s Next:

  • Fine-tuning pipeline
  • Custom agent skill builder/tooling
  • Custom plugins/skills for AnythingLLM app and agents.