AnythingLLM Large Language Models

Large Language Models

AnythingLLM allows you to use a host of LLM providers for chatting and generative AI.

Depending on your selection additional configuration might be required.

Supported Language Model Providers

Local Language Model Providers

AnythingLLM Built-in (default)Built-in (default)→OllamaOllama→LM StudioLM Studio→Local AILocal AI→

Cloud Language Model Providers

OpenAIOpenAI→Azure OpenAIAzure OpenAI→AWS BedrockAWS Bedrock→AnthropicAnthropic→CohereCohere→Google Gemini ProGoogle Gemini Pro→Hugging FaceHugging Face→Together AITogether AI→OpenRouterOpenRouter→Perplexity AIPerplexity AI→Mistral APIMistral API→GroqGroq→KobaldCPPKobaldCPP→OpenAI (generic)OpenAI (generic)→