AnythingLLM Uninstall

Uninstalling on MacOS

Open your Finder and navigate to the Applications folder. Then, drag the AnythingLLM application into the Trashcan, and the application will be uninstalled.

To remove all AnythingLLM desktop data from your system, please also delete the /Library/Application Support/anythingllm-desktop folder. This folder is where your database, documents, and vector cache are located.

Uninstalling on Linux

Delete the .AppImage from your system. Once done, follow the instructions below to erase all related data.

To completely remove all application data, including your local database, documents, and vector cache, delete the folder located at /home/{user}/.config/anythingllm-desktop.

You can delete the entire directory or just the storage folder to reset your current install.

Uninstalling on Windows

Utilize the uninstallation executable located in /Users/{user}/AppData/Local/Programs/AnythingLLM (or) /Users/{user}/AppData/Local/Programs/anythingllm-desktop

To completely remove all application data from your system, including your local database, documents, and vector cache, delete the folder located at /Users/{user}/AppData/Roaming/anythingllm-desktop/storage.

You have the option to delete either the entire /Users/{user}/AppData/Roaming/anythingllm-desktop folder or just the storage folder to reset your installation