AnythingLLM Debug Mode

AnythingLLM Debug mode on MacOS

To run the AnythingLLM Application in debug mode (if you are getting errors) you can open a Terminal and navigate to ~/Applications/AnythingLLM/Content/MacOs where you can then run the executable and see all application logs while running AnythingLLM.

AnythingLLM Debug mode on Windows

To run the AnythingLLM Application in debug mode (if you are getting errors) you can open a CMD or Powershell window and run the path to the AnythingLLM executable. Typically this is in C:\Users\usr\AppData\Local\Programs\anythingllm-desktop\AnythingLLMDesktop.exe. This will print all logs to the powershell window while running and should display a verbose error once encountered that is critical for debugging.

AnythingLLM Debug mode on Linux

To run the AnythingLLM Application in debug mode (if you are getting errors) you can open a Terminal and navigate to ~/.config/anythingllm-desktop/AnythingLLMDesktop.AppImage where you can then run the executable and see all AppImage logs while running AnythingLLM.

AnythingLLM Debug mode on Docker

Open Container Logs in Docker desktop or print the logs via docker container <CONTAINER_ID> logs