MySQL Temporal Data Types

Author: lefeng



MySQL在文档 中对日期和时间相关的数据类型做了介绍,本文将对这些内容进行梳理,并深入到MySQL内核层探究其实现。



  1. 把原来little-endian的存储方式变成了big-endian。这样一来,可以按照字节对数据进行比较(byte comparable),而不用等到读取所有字节后再进行比较,可以提升性能。
  2. 新增小数部分的支持(小数点后最多支持6位数字),以满足某些场景下用户对更高精度的需求。仅限于TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME三种类型。




  1. CREATE TABLE t1 (t TIME(3), dt DATETIME(6), ts TIMESTAMP(0));


年份,显示格式为4个字符表示的年份。范围是1901- 2155,可以为字符或者数字。


​ 0 - 69 : 2000 - 2069

​ 70 - 99 : 1970 - 1999


日期。显示格式是YYYY-MM-DD,范围是1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31


存储时间数据,显示格式为hh:mm:ss [.fraction]。可接受的值的范围是-838:59:59.000000838:59:59.000000


The hours part may be so large because the TIME type can be used not only to represent a time of day (which must be less than 24 hours), but also elapsed time or a time interval between two events (which may be much greater than 24 hours, or even negative).



包含日期和时间两部分,显示格式是YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss [.fraction],支持的日期范围是 1000-01-01 00:00:00.0000009999-12-31 23:59:59.999999


时间戳,包含日期和时间两部分,显示格式是YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss [.fraction],支持的日期范围是1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000 UTC2038-01-19 03:14:07.999999 UTC

其表示的是自1970-01-01 00:00:00开始的时间差(秒),所以1970-01-01 00:00:00不是一个合法值,因为其对应的时间差是0,而0已经用来表示0000-00-00 00:00:00。当输入非法的日期或者时间值时,解析的时候会把其转换成0000-00-00 00:00:00


本部分将以MySQL 8.0.18的代码为基础,介绍MySQL从客户端接收到日期和时间数据后的处理流程,以及存入磁盘的过程。


  1. /*
  2. Structure which is used to represent datetime values inside MySQL.
  3. We assume that values in this structure are normalized, i.e. year <= 9999,
  4. month <= 12, day <= 31, hour <= 23, second <= 59. Many functions
  5. in server such as my_system_gmt_sec() or make_time() family of functions
  6. rely on this (actually now usage of make_*() family relies on a bit weaker
  7. restriction). Also functions that produce MYSQL_TIME as result ensure this.
  8. There is one exception to this rule though if this structure holds time
  9. value (time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) days and hour member can hold
  10. bigger values.
  11. */
  12. typedef struct MYSQL_TIME {
  13. unsigned int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
  14. unsigned long second_part; /**< microseconds */
  15. bool neg;
  16. enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type;
  17. } MYSQL_TIME;


  • second_part,小数部分表示的微秒(us),其值为 “小数部分 * 1000000”。如果小数为0.001,这里的值为1000。

  • neg,是否为负值,仅对TIME类型有效

如果目标列是TIMESTAMP数据类型,会进一步将MYSQL_TIME中保存的值转换成相对于1970-01-01 00:00:00的时间差(函数datetime_with_no_zero_in_date_to_timeval()),并保存在timeval结构体中。

  1. typedef struct timeval {
  2. long tv_sec;
  3. long tv_usec;
  4. } timeval;


  1. /**
  2. Convert in-memory date representation to on-disk representation.
  3. @param ltime The value to convert.
  4. @param [out] ptr The pointer to store the value to.
  5. */
  6. void my_date_to_binary(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uchar *ptr) {
  7. long tmp = ltime->day + ltime->month * 32 + ltime->year * 16 * 32;
  8. int3store(ptr, tmp);
  9. }


  • TIMESTAMP,直接将timeval中保存的秒和微秒以big-endian的方式存储到磁盘中。
  • TIME和DATETIME,将小数部分的值保存在longlong值低3位字节中,整数部分的值保存在其它高位字节中,这种方式称为“紧凑格式”(packed format)。


  1. /**
  2. Convert time value to numeric packed representation.
  3. @param my_time The value to convert.
  4. @return Numeric packed representation.
  5. */
  6. longlong TIME_to_longlong_time_packed(const MYSQL_TIME &my_time) {
  7. /* If month is 0, we mix day with hours: "1 00:10:10" -> "24:00:10" */
  8. long hms = (((my_time.month ? 0 : * 24) + my_time.hour) << 12) |
  9. (my_time.minute << 6) | my_time.second;
  10. longlong tmp = my_packed_time_make(hms, my_time.second_part);
  11. return my_time.neg ? -tmp : tmp;
  12. }


  1. /**
  2. Convert datetime to packed numeric datetime representation.
  3. @param my_time The value to convert.
  4. @return Packed numeric representation of my_time.
  5. */
  6. longlong TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(const MYSQL_TIME &my_time) {
  7. longlong ymd = ((my_time.year * 13 + my_time.month) << 5) |;
  8. longlong hms = (my_time.hour << 12) | (my_time.minute << 6) | my_time.second;
  9. longlong tmp = my_packed_time_make(((ymd << 17) | hms), my_time.second_part);
  10. assert(!check_datetime_range(my_time)); /* Make sure no overflow */
  11. return my_time.neg ? -tmp : tmp;
  12. }

最后,为了支持字节比较,还需要对以“紧凑格式”保存的longlong值做进一步处理,才能根据目标列数据类型的长度(固定长度,整数部分 + 分数部分)存储到磁盘中。

  • TIME。前面提到过,TIME数据类型可以允许负的时间值,这里对整数部分加上TIMEF_INT_OFS,将有符号整数转换成无符号整数,通过这种方式,所有整数(包含负数)都可以支持字节比较(byte comparable)。
  • DATETIME。整数部分加上0x8000000000LL,为了跟HA_KETYPE_BINARY兼容。


  1. /**
  2. On disk we convert from signed representation to unsigned
  3. representation using TIMEF_OFS, so all values become binary comparable.
  4. */
  5. #define TIMEF_OFS 0x800000000000LL
  6. #define TIMEF_INT_OFS 0x800000LL
  7. /**
  8. Convert in-memory numeric time representation to on-disk representation
  9. @param nr Value in packed numeric time format.
  10. @param [out] ptr The buffer to put value at.
  11. @param dec Precision.
  12. */
  13. void my_time_packed_to_binary(longlong nr, uchar *ptr, uint dec) {
  14. assert(dec <= DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS);
  15. /* Make sure the stored value was previously properly rounded or truncated */
  16. assert((my_packed_time_get_frac_part(nr) %
  17. static_cast<int>(log_10_int[DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS - dec])) == 0);
  18. switch (dec) {
  19. case 0:
  20. default:
  21. mi_int3store(ptr, TIMEF_INT_OFS + my_packed_time_get_int_part(nr));
  22. break;
  23. case 1:
  24. case 2:
  25. mi_int3store(ptr, TIMEF_INT_OFS + my_packed_time_get_int_part(nr));
  26. ptr[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(
  27. static_cast<char>(my_packed_time_get_frac_part(nr) / 10000));
  28. break;
  29. case 4:
  30. case 3:
  31. mi_int3store(ptr, TIMEF_INT_OFS + my_packed_time_get_int_part(nr));
  32. mi_int2store(ptr + 3, my_packed_time_get_frac_part(nr) / 100);
  33. break;
  34. case 5:
  35. case 6:
  36. mi_int6store(ptr, nr + TIMEF_OFS);
  37. break;
  38. }
  39. }

以big-endian方式存储DATETIME类型数据的原理相同,只是使用的字节数不同, 其对应的函数是my_datetime_packed_to_binary(),感兴趣的读者可自行查看。
