Running Tests

The operator-sdk is automatically tested with a variety of tests anytime a pull request is made. The E2E tests ensure that the operator-sdk acts as intended by simulating how a typical user might use the SDK. The automated tests test each PR and run in Travis CI, and Travis CI has a couple of features to simplify the E2E tests that we run. For a more in depth description of the tests that Travis runs, please read the Travis Build doc. This doc will talk about how to run the tests locally as well.

Running the Tests Locally

To run the tests locally, the tests either need access to a remote Kubernetes cluster or a local Kubernetes instance running on the machine.

Remote Kubernetes Instance

To run the tests on a remote cluster, the tests need access to a remote Kubernetes cluster running Kubernetes 1.11.3 or higher as well as a docker image repo to push the operator image to, such as Your kubeconfig must be located at $HOME/.kube/config and certain tests will not run on remote clusters. See Running the Tests for more details.

Local minikube or kind

Two other options for testing are minikube and kind.


To start the minikube cluster, download and install the proper binary for your system and run these commands:

  1. # K8S_VERSION determines which Kubernetes cluster version minikube will provision.
  2. $ minikube start --kubernetes-version ${K8S_VERSION}
  3. $ eval $(minikube docker-env)


To start the kind cluster, either run hack/ci/ then:

  1. $ export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")"

Or you can download and install the proper binary for your system and run these commands:

  1. # K8S_VERSION determines which Kubernetes image version kind will use to provision the cluster.
  2. $ kind create cluster --image="${K8S_VERSION}"
  3. $ export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")"

Running the tests

All the tests are run through the Makefile. This is a brief description of all makefile test instructions:

  • test - Runs the unit tests (test-unit).
  • test-ci - Runs sanity and unit tests, installs the SDK binary, and runs the SDK subcommand and all E2E tests.
  • test-sanity - Runs sanity checks.
  • test-unit - Runs unit tests.
  • test-subcommand - Runs subcommand tests.
  • test-e2e - Runs all E2E tests (test-e2e-go, test-e2e-ansible, test-e2e-ansible-molecule, and test-e2e-helm).
  • test-e2e-go - Runs the go E2E test.
  • test-e2e-ansible - Runs the ansible E2E test.
  • test-e2e-ansible-molecule - Runs the ansible molecule E2E test.
  • test-e2e-helm - Runs the helm E2E test.

For more info on what these tests actually do, please see the Travis Build doc.

Some of the tests will run using the kube config in $HOME/.kube/config (others may check the KUBECONFIG env var first) and the operator images will be built and stored in you local docker registry.

Go E2E test flags

The make test-e2e-go command accepts an ARGS variable containing flags that will be passed to go test:

  • -image-name string - Sets the operator test image tag to be built and used in testing. Defaults to “”
  • -local-repo string - Sets the path to the local SDK repo being tested. Defaults to the path of the SDK repo containing e2e tests. This is useful for testing customized e2e code.

An example of using ARGS is in the note below.

NOTE: Some of these tests, specifically the ansible (test-e2e-ansible), helm (test-e2e-helm), and Go (test-e2e-go) tests, only work when the cluster shares the local docker registry, as is the case with oc cluster up and minikube after running eval $(minikube docker-env).

  1. $ kind load docker-image <image-tag>

For each image built or used by the kind cluster.

All other tests will run correctly on a remote cluster if $HOME/.kube/config points to the remote cluster and your KUBECONFIG env var is either empty or is set to the path of a kubeconfig for the remote cluster.

Cleanup of the Go E2E Tests

The E2E tests create a new project using the operator-sdk to run in the provided cluster. The tests are designed to cleanup everything that gets created, but some errors during the go tests can cause these cleanups to fail (the ansible and helm E2E tests should always clean up correctly). For example, if a segfault occurs or a user kills the testing process, the cleanup functions for the go tests will not run. To manually clean up a test:

  1. Delete the CRD (kubectl delete crd
  2. Delete the namespaces that the tests run in, which also deletes any resources created within the namespaces. The namespaces start with memcached-memcached-group or main and are appended with a unix timestamp (seconds since Jan 1 1970). The kubectl command can be used to delete namespaces: kubectl delete namespace $NAMESPACE.

Last modified May 15, 2020: *: remove marker in favor of Github action (#3048) (baa3b04f)