Testing Changes Locally

Testing Changes Locally

If your changes are in the SDK commands then you just need to run make install to be able to use an SDK binary built from the source code and then test locally it. Also, see that you can run operator-sdk version to check what is the commit used to built it.

However, If the change performed is NOT in the scaffold files or sdk commands then, is required to build an new image with the changes done to test it locally in a POC operator project. In this way, by using this dev image in an operator project locally we will be able to check the changes made for the Ansible/Helm based-operator. And then, for the GO based-operators, will be required ensure that you are import your version of code implementation to be used in the POC operator project were it will be checked.

For Ansible

  • Update the ANSIBLE_BASE_IMAGE var in the Makefile to generate an image for your repository (quay.io or docker.hub.io). See:


  1. quay.io/operator-framework/ansible-operator

With (eg):

  1. quay.io/my-repo-user/ansible-operator
  • Build the image locally by running make image-build-ansible
  • Push your new image. (E.g docker push quay.io/my-repo-user/ansible-operator:dev)

NOTE Ensure that you configured the repo, quay.io/my-repo-user/ansible-operator, to be public.

  • Update the Dockerfile of your POC project to test your changes with the new image as follows.
  1. FROM quay.io/my-repo-user/ansible-operator:dev
  2. COPY watches.yaml ${HOME}/watches.yaml
  3. COPY roles/ ${HOME}/roles/

For Helm

  • Update the HELM_BASE_IMAGE var in the Makefile to generate an image for your repository (quay.io or docker.hub.io). See:


  1. quay.io/operator-framework/helm-operator

With (eg):

  1. quay.io/my-repo-user/helm-operator
  • Build the image locally by running make image-build-helm
  • Push your new image. (E.g docker push quay.io/my-repo-user/helm-operator:dev)

NOTE Ensure that you configured the repo, quay.io/my-repo-user/helm-operator, to be public.

  • Update the Dockerfile of your POC project to test your changes with the new image as follows.
  1. FROM quay.io/my-repo-user/helm-operator:dev
  2. COPY watches.yaml ${HOME}/watches.yaml
  3. COPY helm-charts/ ${HOME}/helm-charts/

For Go

Following an example over how to test the changes made from a source code of a fork PR.

  • Update the go.mod file of the POC operator project with a replace for the fork. See:
  1. require (
  2. ...
  3. github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk v0.0.0
  4. ...
  5. )
  6. // # Add a replace to the fork and branch with the changes
  7. replace github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk => github.com/<fork>/operator-sdk <branch>

Last modified April 14, 2020: docs: organize local change testing info (#2823) (7bb7f0ab)