OLM and Bundle CLI Overview

This document gives an overview of using operator-sdk to work with Operator manifests related to OLM, namely bundles and package manifests. See the manifests generation doc for an in-depth discussion of these commands.


OLM installation

The following operator-sdk subcommands manage an OLM installation:

  • olm install: install a particular version of OLM.
  • olm status: check the status of a particular version of OLM running in a cluster. This command can infer the version of an error-free OLM installation.
  • olm uninstall: uninstall a particular version of OLM running in a cluster. This command can infer the version of an error-free OLM installation.

Manifests and metadata

The following make recipes and operator-sdk subcommands create or interact with Operator package manifests and bundles:

  • make bundle: runs the following commands:
    • generate kustomize manifests: see above.
    • generate bundle: creates a new or updates an existing bundle in the <project-root>/bundle directory. This command generates both manifests and metadata.
    • bundle validate: validates an Operator bundle image or unpacked manifests and metadata.
  • make bundle-build: builds a bundle image using the bundle.Dockerfile generated by make bundle.
Package Manifests
  • generate packagemanifests: creates a new or updates an existing versioned directory as part of the package manifests in the <project-root>/packagemanifests directory.
  • run packagemanifests: runs an Operator’s package manifests format with an existing OLM installation.

Last modified July 8, 2020: docs: OLM integration docs reference new commands (new and legacy CLI) (#3320) (ec03835e)