Testing Operator Deployment with OLM

This document discusses the behavior of operator-sdk <run|cleanup> subcommands related to OLM deployment, and assumes you are familiar with OLM, related terminology, and have read the SDK-OLM integration design proposal.

Only the package manifests format is supported by <run|cleanup> subcommands.

Note: before continuing, please read the caveats section below.

operator-sdk <run|cleanup> packagemanifests command overview

operator-sdk <run|cleanup> packagemanifests assumes OLM is already installed and running on your cluster, and that your Operator has a valid package manifests format. See the CLI overview for commands to work with an OLM installation and generate a package manifests format.

Let’s look at the anatomy of the run packagemanifests (which is the same for cleanup) configuration model:

  • kubeconfig-path: the local path to a kubeconfig.
    • This uses well-defined default loading rules to load the config if empty.
  • olm-namespace: the namespace in which OLM is installed.
  • operator-namespace: the cluster namespace in which Operator resources are created.
    • This namespace must already exist in the cluster or be defined in a manifest passed to include-paths.
  • manifests-dir: a directory containing the Operator’s package manifests.
  • operator-version: the version of the Operator to deploy. It must be a semantic version, ex. 0.0.1.
    • This version must match the version of the CSV manifest found in manifests-dir, ex. deploy/olm-catalog/<operator-name>/0.0.1 in an Operator SDK project.
  • install-mode: specifies which supported installMode should be used to create an OperatorGroup by configuring its spec.targetNamespaces field.
    • The InstallModeType string passed must be marked as “supported” in the CSV being installed. The namespaces passed must exist or be created by passing a Namespace manifest to IncludePaths.
    • This option understands the following strings (assuming your CSV does as well):
      • OwnNamespace: the Operator will watch its own namespace (from operator-namespace or the kubeconfig default). This is the default.
      • SingleNamespace="my-ns": the Operator will watch a namespace, not necessarily its own.
      • AllNamespaces="": the Operator will watch all namespaces (cluster-scoped Operators).
  • include-paths: a list of paths to manifests of Kubernetes resources that either supplement or supplant defaults generated by run, ex. RBAC kinds.
    • This option can be used if you have an existing set of manifests outside your versioned package (ex. catalog manifests like a Subscription, CatalogSource, and/or OperatorGroup) you wish to use instead of the corresponding defaults.
      • Paths supplied to this command will be created with the same behavior of kubectl create -f <path>.
    • Kinds that are overridden if supplied: CatalogSource, Subscription, OperatorGroup.
      • If a Subscription or CatalogSource are supplied, the other must be supplied since they are linked by field references.
  • timeout: a time string dictating the maximum time that run can run. The command will return an error if the timeout is exceeded.


  • <run|cleanup> packagemanifests are intended to be used for testing purposes only, since this command creates a transient image registry that should not be used in production. Typically a registry is deployed separately and a set of catalog manifests are created in the cluster to inform OLM of that registry and which Operator versions it can deploy and where to deploy the Operator.
  • run packagemanifests can only deploy one Operator and one version of that Operator at a time, hence its intended purpose being testing only.

Last modified July 8, 2020: docs: OLM integration docs reference new commands (new and legacy CLI) (#3320) (ec03835e)