MNN Op manual
The specific parameters of Op can be found in *.fbs, and the special case is specified in the corresponding Op below.
- Concat
- Convolution
- Pooling
- ReLU
- Softmax
- Scale
- Eltwise
- ConvolutionDepthwise
- ArgMax
- Reshape
- Const
- Binary
- Deconvolution
- Crop
- DetectionOutput
- ExpandDims
- Interp
- Normalize
- Permute
- PriorBox
- Proposal
- Reduction
- ROIPooling
- Sigmoid
- Slice
- Squeeze
- TanH
- Tile
- UnaryOp
- SpatialProduct
- DeconvolutionDepthwise
- Resize
- AsString
- Cast
- StridedSlice
- ReduceJoin
- Pack
- ReLU6
- NonMaxSuppressionV2
- SpaceToBatchND
- BatchToSpaceND
- Shape
- Selu
- tfQuantizedConv2D
- Gather
- GatherV2
- QuantizedReshape
- QuantizedMaxPool
- QuantizedAvgPool
- TopKV2
- CropAndResize
- Fill
- Range
- Rank
- Size
- SilceTf
- Transpose
- Where
- quantizedSoftmax
- QuantizedDepthwiseConv2D
- QuantizedAdd
- QuantizedLogistic
- Unpack
- QuantizedConcat