Manage secrets

Secrets are key-value pairs that contain sensitive information you want to control access to, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates. There are two options for storing secrets with InfluxDB:

  • By default, secrets are Base64-encoded and stored in the InfluxDB embedded key value store, BoltDB.
  • You can also set up a Vault server to store secrets. For details, see Store secrets in Vault.

Add secrets

Add secrets using the influx CLI or the InfluxDB API.

View secret keys

View secret keys using the influx CLI or the InfluxDB API.

Update secrets

Update secrets using the influx CLI or the InfluxDB API.

Delete secrets

Delete secrets using the influx CLI or the InfluxDB API.

Use secrets

Use secrets in a query with Flux.

Store secrets in Vault

Use Vault as an InfluxDB secret store and manage secrets through the in InfluxDB API.

secrets security