influxd inspect export-lp

The influxd inspect export-lp command exports all time-structured merge tree (TSM) data in a bucket to line protocol.


  1. influxd inspect export-lp [flags]


FlagDescriptionInput type
—bucket-id(Required) Bucket IDstring
—compressCompress output with GZIP
—endEnd time to export (RFC3339 format)string
—engine-path(Required) Path to persistent InfluxDB engine filesstring
-h—helpHelp for the export-lp command.
—log-levelLog-level (debug, info (default), or error)string
—measurementMeasurement name(s) to exportstrings
—output-path(Required) Output path (file path or stdout (-))string
—startStart time to export (RFC3339 format)string


Export all data in a bucket as line protocol

To a file To stdout

  1. influxd inspect export-lp \
  2. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  3. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  4. --output-path path/to/export.lp
  1. influxd inspect export-lp \
  2. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  3. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  4. --output-path -
Export data in measurements as line protocol

To a file To stdout

  1. # Export a single measurement
  2. influxd inspect export-lp \
  3. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  4. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  5. --measurement example-measurement \
  6. --output-path path/to/export.lp
  7. # Export multiple measurements
  8. influxd inspect export-lp \
  9. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  10. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  11. --measurement example-measurement-1 example-measurement-2 \
  12. --output-path path/to/export.lp
  1. # Export a single measurement
  2. influxd inspect export-lp \
  3. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  4. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  5. --measurement example-measurement \
  6. --output-path -
  7. # Export multiple measurements
  8. influxd inspect export-lp \
  9. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  10. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  11. --measurement example-measurement-1 example-measurement-2 \
  12. --output-path -
Export data in specified time range as line protocol

To a file To stdout

  1. influxd inspect export-lp \
  2. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  3. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  4. --start 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z \
  5. --end 2021-01-31T23:59:59Z \
  6. --output-path path/to/export.lp
  1. influxd inspect export-lp \
  2. --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
  3. --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
  4. --start 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z \
  5. --end 2021-01-31T23:59:59Z \
  6. --output-path -

inspect export