trello-github-integ Plugin

This plugin creates a new GitHub Actions workflow(trello-github-integration) and uploads it to your GitHub repo.


This plugin depends on and can be used together with the trello plugin (see document here).

trello-github-integ plugin can also use trello plugin’s outputs as input. See the example below:

  1. tools:
  2. # name of the tool
  3. - name: trello
  4. # id of the tool instance
  5. instanceID: default
  6. # format: name.instanceID; If specified, dtm will make sure the dependency is applied first before handling this tool
  7. dependsOn: []
  8. # options for the plugin
  9. options:
  10. # the repo's owner
  12. # the repo's org. If you set this property, then the new repo will be created under the org you're given, and the "owner" setting above will be ignored.
  14. # for which repo this board will be used
  15. repo: YOUR_REPO_NAME
  16. # the Tello board name. If empty, use owner/repo as the board's name.
  17. kanbanBoardName: KANBAN_BOARD_NAME
  18. # name of the tool
  19. - name: trello-github-integ
  20. # id of the tool instance
  21. instanceID: default
  22. # format: name.instanceID; If specified, dtm will make sure the dependency is applied first before handling this tool.
  23. dependsOn: [ "trello.default" ]
  24. # options for the plugin
  25. options:
  26. # the repo's owner. It should be case-sensitive here; strictly use your GitHub user name; please change the value below.
  28. # the repo where you'd like to setup GitHub Actions; please change the value below.
  29. # the repo's org. If you set this property, then the new repo will be created under the org you're given, and the "owner" setting above will be ignored.
  31. repo: YOUR_REPO_NAME
  32. # reference parameters come from dependency, their usage will be explained later
  33. boardId: ${{ trello.default.outputs.boardId }}
  34. todoListId: ${{ trello.default.outputs.todoListId }}
  35. doingListId: ${{ trello.default.outputs.doingListId }}
  36. doneListId: ${{ trello.default.outputs.doneListId }}
  37. # main branch of the repo (to which branch the plugin will submit the workflows)
  38. branch: main

Replace the following from the config above:


In the example above:

  • We create a Trello board using trello plugin, and the board is marked to be used for repo YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/YOUR_REPO_NAME.
  • trello-github-integ plugin depends on trello plugin, because we use trello plugin’s outputs as the input for the trello-github-integ plugin.

Pay attention to the ${{ xxx }} part in the example. ${{ TOOL_NAME.TOOL_INSTANCE_ID.outputs.var}} is the syntax for using an output.