jira-github-integ Plugin

This plugin integrates Jira with your GitHub repo.


Please confirm the preconditions:

  • Jira language must be English
  • There should be an existing Jira project

This plugin depends on the following two environment variables:


Set the values accordingly before using this plugin.

If you don’t know how to create these tokens, check out: - Creating a personal access token - Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account.

  1. tools:
  2. # name of the tool
  3. - name: jira-github-integ
  4. # id of the tool instance
  5. instanceID: default
  6. # format: name.instanceID; If specified, dtm will make sure the dependency is applied first before handling this tool.
  7. dependsOn: []
  8. # options for the plugin
  9. options:
  10. # the repo's owner
  12. # the repo's org. If you set this property, then the new repo will be created under the org you're given, and the "owner" setting above will be ignored.
  14. # the repo where you'd like to setup GitHub Actions
  15. repo: YOUR_REPO_NAME
  16. # "base url: https://id.atlassian.net"
  17. jiraBaseUrl: https://JIRA_ID.atlassian.net
  18. # "need real user email in cloud Jira"
  19. jiraUserEmail: JIRA_USER_EMAIL
  20. # "get it from project url, like 'HEAP' from https://merico.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/HEAP/pages"
  21. jiraProjectKey: JIRA_PROJECT_KEY
  22. # main branch of the repo (to which branch the plugin will submit the workflows)
  23. branch: main

Currently, all the parameters in the example above are mandatory.