
This document summarizes the main components of DevStream and how data flows between these components.

0 Data Flow

The following diagram shows an approximation of how DevStream executes a user command:

DevStream Architecture Diagram

There are three major parts:

  • CLI: handles user input, commands and parameters.
  • Plugin engine: achieves the core functionalities by calling other modules (config manager, plugin manager, state manager, and backend manager.)
  • plugins: implements the actual CRUD interfaces for a certain DevOps tool, or integrates different tools together. Each plugin corresponds to a certain DevOps tool or an automated integration of tools.

1 CLI (The devstream Package)

Note: for simplicity, the CLI is named dtm(DevOps Tool Manager) instead of the full name DevStream.

Every time a user runs the dtm program, the execution transfers immediately into one of the “command” implementations in the devstream package, in which folder all commands’ definitions reside.

Then, each command calls the plugin engine package under internal/pkg.

The pluginengine calls the config manager package first to read the local YAML config file into a struct.

Then it calls the pluginmanager package to download the required plugins.

After that, the plugin engine calls the state manager to calculate “changes” between the congfig, the state, and the actual DevOps tool’s status. At last, the plugin engine executes actions according to the changes, and updates the state. During the execution, the plugin engine loads each plugin (*.so file) and calls the predefined interface according to each change.

2 Plugin Engine

The pluginengine has various responsibilities:

  • make sure the required plugins (according to the config file) are present
  • generate changes according to the config, the state and tools’ actual status
  • execute the changes by loading each plugin and calling the desired action

It achieves the goal by calling the following modules:

2.1 Config Manager

Model types in package configmanager represent the top-level configuration structure.

2.2 Plugin Manager

The pluginmanager package is in charge of downloading necessary plugins according to the configuration.

If a plugin with the desired version already exists locally, it will not download it again.

2.3 State Manager

The statemanager package manages the “state”, i.e., what has been done successfully and what not.

The statemanager stores the state in a backend.

2.4 Backend Manager

The backend package is the backend manager, which manages the actual state. Currently, local, remote (AWS S3 compatible), and k8s(ConfigMap) state are supported.

3 Plugin

A plugin implements the aforementioned, predefined interfaces.

It executes operations like Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

To develop a new plugin, see creating a plugin.