Install kube-prometheus with DevStream

InstanceID Prefix

The instanceID prefix must be kube-prometheus, the minimum tools configuration example:


  1. tools:
  2. - name: helm-installer
  3. instanceID: kube-prometheus

Default Configs

keydefault valuedescription
chart.chartPath“”local chart path
chart.chartNameprometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stackchart name
chart.version“”chart version
chart.timeout10mthis config will wait 10 minutes to deploy Argo CD
chart.upgradeCRDstruedefault update CRD config
chart.releaseNameprometheushelm release name
chart.namespaceprometheusnamespace where helm to deploy
chart.waittruewhether to wait until installation is complete
repo.url official repo address
repo.nameprometheus-communityhelm repo name