Plugins List

Issue TrackingtrelloTrello Configurationdoc
Issue TrackingjiraJira Configurationdoc
Issue TrackingzentaoZentao installationdoc
Source Code Managementrepo-scaffoldingApp scaffoldingdoc
Source Code Managementgitlab-ce-dockerGitLab CE version installationdoc
CIjenkins-pipelineJenkins pipeline creationdoc
CIgithub-actionsGitHub Actions CIdoc
CIgitlab-ciGeneric GitLab CIdoc
CIci-genericGeneric CI plugindoc
CD/GitOpsargocdappArgo CD Application creationdoc
Image Repositoryharbor-dockerHarbor Docker compose installdoc
Deploymenthelm-installerHelm chart installdoc

Or, to get a list of plugins, run:


  1. $ dtm list plugins
  2. argocdapp
  3. ci-generic
  4. devlake-config
  5. github-actions
  6. gitlab-ce-docker
  7. gitlab-ci
  8. harbor-docker
  9. helm-installer
  10. jenkins-pipeline
  11. jira
  12. repo-scaffolding
  13. trello
  14. zentao