Collecting metrics with the PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB output plugin for Telegraf


This section describes a feature that is deprecated on TimescaleDB. We strongly recommend that you do not use this feature in a production environment. For some suggestions of workarounds, see this Timescale Forum post. If you need more information, please contact the support team.

Telegraf collects metrics from a wide array of inputs and writes them to a wide array of outputs. It is plugin-driven for both collection and output of data so it is extendable. It is written in Go, which means that it is a compiled and standalone binary that can be run on any system with no need for external dependencies, or package management tools required.

Telegraf is an open source tool. It contains over 200 plugins for gathering and writing different types of data written by people who work with that data. Timescale have built downloadable binaries of Telegraf with the plugin included. This tutorial runs through a couple of examples on how to use the PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB output plugin for Telegraf.


Before you start, you need TimescaleDB installed and a means to connect to it.

Setting up Telegraf

Telegraf is written in Go, and the current build process of the tool is configured to produce one standalone binary. Because of this all the code for the different plugins must be part of that binary. Timescale have an unofficial build of Telegraf version 1.13.0 with the plugin added, that you can download from:

Timescale also provide you with builds for:

  • Windows i386
  • Linux (i386, armhf, armel, arm64, static_amd64, s390x, mipsel)
  • FreeBSD (amd64, i386)

You can get in contact using the Timescale community Slack

Once you download the binary and extract it to a suitable location (or install the packages) you can test out the build. You might need to make the file executable by running chmod +x telegraf. Check the version of the installed Telegraf using this command:

  1. $ telegraf --version

If the installation is successful, it shows Telegraf 1.13.0-with-pg.

Telegraf configuration

When Telegraf is started, you need to specify a configuration file. The configuration file sets up:

  • Telegraf agent
  • Collection interval
  • Jitter
  • Buffer and batch size and so on
  • Global tags added to all collected metrics from all inputs
  • Enabled outputs, processors, aggregators, inputs (and their respective configuration)

A sample config file with PostgreSQL included as a plugin can be generated with this command:

  1. $ telegraf --input-filter=cpu --output-filter=postgresql config > telegraf.conf

This command generates a configuration file that enables a CPU input plugin that samples various metrics about CPU usage, and the PostgreSQL output plugin. The file also includes all available input, output, processor, and aggregator plugins, commented out, so you can enable them as required.

Testing out the configuration file

To test your configuration, you can output a single collection to STDOUT, like this:

  1. $ telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test

This command selects the generated configuration file that enables only the CPU input plugin. The output should look something like this:

  1. > cpu,cpu=cpu0,host=local usage_guest=0,usage_idle=78.431372,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=11.764705,usage_user=9.803921 1558613882000000000
  2. > cpu,cpu=cpu1,host=local usage_guest=0,usage_idle=92.156862,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=3.921568,usage_user=3.921568 1558613882000000000
  3. > cpu,cpu=cpu-total,host=local usage_guest=0,usage_idle=87.623762,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=6.435643,usage_user=5.940594 1558613882000000000

A line is outputted for each core of the CPU and the total. Values are presented in key=value pairs with the timestamp last in the row. When writing to STDOUT you can distinguish between tags, which are indexed fields (cpu, host) and value fields (like usage_quest or usage_user) by a blank space (in this example the space after host=local). The distinction exists because different configuration options are available for the different fields.

Configuring the PostgreSQL output plugin

The telegraf.conf file you generated has a section (around line 80) headed with

  1. ################################################
  3. ################################################

Below this header, the default configuration for the PostgreSQL output plugin is shown. It looks like this:

  1. [[outputs.postgresql]]
  2. ## specify address via a url matching:
  3. ## postgres://[pqgotest[:password]]@localhost[/dbname]\
  4. ## ?sslmode=[disable|verify-ca|verify-full]
  5. ## or a simple string:
  6. ## host=localhost user=pqotest password=... sslmode=... dbname=app_production
  7. ##
  8. ## All connection parameters are optional. Also supported are PG environment vars
  10. ## all supported vars here:
  11. ##
  12. ## Without the dbname parameter, the driver will default to a database
  13. ## with the same name as the user. This dbname is just for instantiating a
  14. ## connection with the server and doesn't restrict the databases we are trying
  15. ## to grab metrics for.
  16. ##
  17. connection = "host=localhost user=postgres sslmode=verify-full"
  18. ## Store tags as foreign keys in the metrics table. Default is false.
  19. # tags_as_foreignkeys = false
  20. ## Template to use for generating tables
  21. ## Available Variables:
  22. ## {TABLE} - tablename as identifier
  23. ## {TABLELITERAL} - tablename as string literal
  24. ## {COLUMNS} - column definitions
  25. ## {KEY_COLUMNS} - comma-separated list of key columns (time + tags)
  26. ## Default template
  27. # table_template = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {TABLE}({COLUMNS})"
  28. ## Example for timescaledb
  29. # table_template = "CREATE TABLE {TABLE}({COLUMNS}); SELECT create_hypertable({TABLELITERAL},'time');"
  30. ## Schema to create the tables into
  31. # schema = "public"
  32. ## Use jsonb datatype for tags
  33. # tags_as_jsonb = false
  34. ## Use jsonb datatype for fields
  35. # fields_as_jsonb = false

From the configuration, you can see a few important things:

  • The top line enables the plugin, the plugin specific configuration is indented after this line.
  • There is currently only one parameter configured, connection. The others are commented out.
  • Possible parameters are commented out with a single #. (tags_as_foreignkeys, table_template, schema, tags_as_jsonb, fields_as_jsonb).
  • Explanations of the parameters are commented out with ##.

The commented out parameters also show their default values.

In the first example you’ll set the connection parameter to a proper connection string to establish a connection to an instance of TimescaleDB or PostgreSQL. All the other parameters have their default values.

Creating hypertables

The plugin allows you to configure several parameters. The table_template parameter defines the SQL to be run when a new measurement is recorded by Telegraf and the required table doesn’t exist in the output database. By default, the table_template used is CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {TABLE}({COLUMNS}) where {TABLE} and {COLUMNS} are placeholders for the name of the table and the column definitions.

You can update table_template in the configuration for TimescaleDB with this command:

  1. table_template=`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {TABLE}({COLUMNS}); SELECT create_hypertable({TABLELITERAL},'time',chunk_time_interval := INTERVAL '1 week',if_not_exists := true);`

This way when a new table is created it is converted into a hypertable, with each chunk holding 1 week intervals. Nothing else is needed to use the plugin with TimescaleDB.

Running Telegraf

When you run Telegraf you only need to specify the configuration file to use. In this example, the output uses loaded inputs (cpu) and outputs (postgresql) along with global tags, and the intervals with which the agent collects the data from the inputs, and flush to the outputs. You can stop Telegraf running after ~10-15 seconds:

  1. telegraf --config telegraf.conf
  2. 2019-05-23T13:48:09Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.13.0-with-pg
  3. 2019-05-23T13:48:09Z I! Loaded inputs: cpu
  4. 2019-05-23T13:48:09Z I! Loaded outputs: postgresql
  5. 2019-05-23T13:48:09Z I! Tags enabled: host=local
  6. 2019-05-23T13:48:09Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"local", Flush Interval:10s

Now you can connect to the PostgreSQL instance and inspect the data:

  1. psql -U postgres -h localhost

The CPU input plugin has one measurement, called cpu, and it’s stored in a table of the same name (by default in the public schema). So with the SQL query SELECT * FROM cpu, depending on how long you left Telegraf running, you see the table populated with some values. You can find the average usage per CPU core with SELECT cpu, avg(usage_user) FROM cpu GROUP BY cpu. The output should look like this:

  1. cpu | avg
  2. -----------+------------------
  3. cpu-total | 8.46385703620795
  4. cpu0 | 12.4343351351033
  5. cpu1 | 4.88380203380203
  6. cpu2 | 12.2718724052057
  7. cpu3 | 4.26716970050303

Adding new tags or fields

Your Telegraf configuration can change at any moment. An input plugin can be reconfigured to produce different data, or you might decide to index your data with different tags. The SQL plugin can dynamically update the created tables with new columns as they appear. The previous configuration used had no global tags specified other than the host tag. Now you can add a new global tag in the configuration by opening the file in any text editor and updating the [global_tags] section (around line 18) with:

  1. [global_tags]
  2. location="New York"

This way all metrics collected with the instance of Telegraf running with this config is tagged with location="New York". If you run Telegraf again, collecting the metrics in TimescaleDB, using this command:

  1. telegraf --config telegraf.conf

After a while you can check on the cpu table in the database, like this:

  1. psql> \dS cpu
  2. \dS cpu;
  3. Table "public.cpu"
  4. Column | Type
  5. ------------------+--------------------------
  6. time | timestamp with time zone
  7. cpu | text
  8. host | text
  9. usage_steal | double precision
  10. usage_iowait | double precision
  11. usage_guest | double precision
  12. usage_idle | double precision
  13. usage_softirq | double precision
  14. usage_system | double precision
  15. usage_user | double precision
  16. usage_irq | double precision
  17. location | text

You can see the location column is added and it contains New York for all rows.

Creating a separate metadata table for tags

The plugin allows you to select the tag sets inserted in a separate table and then referenced using foreign keys in the measurement table. Having the tags in a separate table saves space for high cardinality tag sets, and allows certain queries to be written more efficiently. To enable this change, you need to uncomment the tags_as_foreignkeys parameter in the plugin config (around line 103 in telegraf.conf) and set it to true:

  1. ## Store tags as foreign keys in the metrics table. Default is false.
  2. tags_as_foreignkeys = true

To better visualize the result you can drop the existing cpu table from the database:

  1. psql> DROP TABLE cpu;

Now you can start Telegraf again, this time with the configuration changed to write the tags in a separate table:

  1. telegraf --config telegraf.conf

You can turn it off after 20-30 seconds, and check on the cpu table in the database:

  1. psql> \dS cpu
  2. \dS cpu
  3. Table "public.cpu"
  4. Column | Type
  5. ------------------+--------------------------
  6. time | timestamp with time zone
  7. tag_id | integer
  8. usage_irq | double precision
  9. usage_softirq | double precision
  10. usage_system | double precision
  11. usage_iowait | double precision
  12. usage_guest | double precision
  13. usage_user | double precision
  14. usage_idle | double precision
  15. usage_steal | double precision

Now the cpu, host and location columns are not there, instead there’s a tag_id column. The tag sets are stored in a separate table called cpu_tag:

  1. psql> SELECT * FROM cpu_tag;
  2. tag_id | host | cpu | location
  3. --------+-------+-----------+----------
  4. 1 | local | cpu-total | New York
  5. 2 | local | cpu0 | New York
  6. 3 | local | cpu1 | New York

JSONB column for Tags and Fields

The tags and fields can be stored as JSONB columns in the database. You need to uncomment the tags_as_jsonb or fields_as_jsonb parameters in telegraf.conf (around line 120) and set them to true. In this example, the fields are stored as separate columns, but the tags are stored as JSON:

  1. ## Use jsonb datatype for tags
  2. tags_as_jsonb = true
  3. ## Use jsonb datatype for fields
  4. fields_as_jsonb = false

To better visualize the result, drop the existing cpu_tag table from the database:

  1. psql> DROP TABLE cpu_tag;

Start Telegraf again, and turn it off after 20-30 seconds. Then check the cpu_tag table:

  1. telegraf --config telegraf.conf
  2. psql> SELECT * FROM cpu_tag;
  3. tag_id | tags
  4. --------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. 1 | {"cpu": "cpu-total", "host": "local", "location": "New York"}
  6. 2 | {"cpu": "cpu0", "host": "local", "location": "New York"}
  7. 3 | {"cpu": "cpu1", "host": "local", "location": "New York"}

Instead of having three text columns, now you have one JSONB column.

Next steps

When you have started inserting data in TimescaleDB, you can begin to familiarize yourself with the architecture and API reference.

Additionally, there are several other tutorials available for you to explore as you become accustomed to working with TimescaleDB.