
An aggregate that produces a CounterSummary from timestamps and associated values.

For more information about counter aggregation functions, see the hyperfunctions documentation.

Required arguments

tsTIMESTAMPTZThe time at each point
valueDOUBLE PRECISIONThe value at each point to use for the counter aggregate

The value argument is currently only accepted as a DOUBLE PRECISION number, because it is the most common type for counters, even though other numeric types, such as BIGINT, might sometimes be more intuitive. If you store a value as a different numeric type you can cast to DOUBLE PRECISION on input to the function.


If there are NULL values in your data, the aggregate ignores them and aggregates only non-NULL values. If you only have NULL values, the aggregate returns NULL.

Optional arguments

boundsTSTZRANGEA range of timestamptz

The bounds argument represents the largest and smallest possible times that could be input to this aggregate. Calling with NULL, or leaving out the argument, results in an unbounded CounterSummary. Bounds are required for extrapolation, but not for other accessor functions.


counter_aggCounterSummaryA CounterSummary object that can be passed to accessor functions or other objects in the counter aggregate API

Sample usage

This example produces a CounterSummary from timestamps and associated values, then computes the irate_right accessor:

  1. WITH t as (
  3. time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,
  4. counter_agg(ts, val) AS cs -- get a CounterSummary
  5. FROM foo
  6. WHERE id = 'bar'
  7. GROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts)
  8. )
  10. dt,
  11. irate_right(cs) -- extract instantaneous rate from the CounterSummary
  12. FROM t;