
rdctl 是包含在 Rancher Desktop 中的命令行工具,它能让你通过命令行访问 GUI 功能。rdctl 旨在帮助用户完成脚本(用于自动化、CI/CD)、故障排除、远程管理等任务。当前版本的 rdctl 支持以下命令(即将发布的版本中将支持更多命令):

命令参考:rdctl - 图1信息

由于当前版本的 rdctl 是实验性的,因此所有子命令的名称、参数以及它们的输出可能会改变。

命令参考:rdctl - 图2警告

Rancher Desktop 应用程序必须为以下命令运行:



  • rdctl list-settings
  • rdctl set
  • rdctl shutdown

命令参考:rdctl - 图3备注

很多 rdctl 命令都有对应的 API 调用。下面列出了两种格式的可用命令。api 示例假定你使用 curl 作为与 API 对话的工具。

rdctl 或 rdctl help

运行 rdctlrdctl help 查看可用命令的列表:



  1. > rdctl help
  2. The eventual goal of this CLI is to enable any UI-based operation to be done from the command-line as well.
  3. Usage:
  4. rdctl [command]
  5. Available Commands:
  6. api Run API endpoints directly
  7. completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  8. factory-reset Clear all the Rancher Desktop state and shut it down.
  9. help Help about any command
  10. list-settings Lists the current settings.
  11. set Update selected fields in the Rancher Desktop UI and restart the backend.
  12. shell Run an interactive shell or a command in a Rancher Desktop-managed VM
  13. shutdown Shuts down the running Rancher Desktop application
  14. start Start up Rancher Desktop, or update its settings.
  15. version Shows the CLI version.
  16. Flags:
  17. --config-path string config file (default /Users/jan/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/rd-engine.json)
  18. -h, --help help for rdctl
  19. --host string default is localhost; most useful for WSL
  20. --password string overrides the password setting in the config file
  21. --port string overrides the port setting in the config file
  22. --user string overrides the user setting in the config file
  23. Use "rdctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

rdctl api

运行 rdctl api / 全局列出所有端点:



  1. $ rdctl api / | jq -r .[]
  2. GET /
  3. GET /v0
  4. GET /v1
  5. GET /v1/about
  6. GET /v1/diagnostic_categories
  7. GET /v1/diagnostic_checks
  8. POST /v1/diagnostic_checks
  9. GET /v1/diagnostic_ids
  10. PUT /v1/factory_reset
  11. PUT /v1/propose_settings
  12. GET /v1/settings
  13. PUT /v1/settings
  14. PUT /v1/shutdown
  15. GET /v1/transient_settings
  16. PUT /v1/transient_settings

rdctl api /vX

运行 rdctl api /v1 列出版本 1 中的所有端点:



  1. $ rdctl api /v1 | jq -r .[]
  2. GET /v1
  3. GET /v1/about
  4. GET /v1/diagnostic_categories
  5. GET /v1/diagnostic_checks
  6. POST /v1/diagnostic_checks
  7. GET /v1/diagnostic_ids
  8. PUT /v1/factory_reset
  9. PUT /v1/propose_settings
  10. GET /v1/settings
  11. PUT /v1/settings
  12. PUT /v1/shutdown
  13. GET /v1/transient_settings
  14. PUT /v1/transient_settings

rdctl api /v0/settings

rdctl api [endpoints] 是对直接使用 API 的用户最有用的命令,因此它们不适合像 rdctl set 一样日常使用。例如:


  1. rdctl api /v0/settings --method PUT --body '{"kubernetes": {"enabled": false}}'


  1. rdctl set --kubernetes-enabled=false


rdctl create-profile

以 macOS .plist 或 Windows .reg 格式为 Rancher Desktop 设置生成部署配置文件。

  1. rdctl create-profile <options> <options-input>




  1. --input [FILE] File containing a JSON document.
  2. --body [JSON] Command-line option containing a JSON document
  3. --from-settings Use current settings.
  4. --output [plist, reg] An output of .plist files for macOS and .reg files for Windows.
  5. Additional options for --output reg:
  6. --type [locked, defaults] The locked field is set as default, otherwise the default type can be specified.
  7. --hive [hklm, hkcu] The hklm field is set as default, otherwise hkcu can be specified.


  1. rdctl create-profile --output reg --hive=Hkcu --from-settings

rdctl extension install

安装 Rancher Desktop 扩展。

  1. rdctl extension install <image-id>


选项 & 示例输出


  1. --force Avoids any interactivity.
  2. <image-id>:<tag> The <tag> is optional, e.g. splatform/epinio-docker-desktop:latest.


  1. $ rdctl extension install docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.2
  2. Installing image docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.2

rdctl extension ls


  1. rdctl extension ls




  1. $ rdctl extension ls
  2. Extension IDs
  3. docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.2

rdctl extension uninstall

卸载 Rancher Desktop 扩展。

  1. rdctl extension uninstall <image-id>


选项 & 示例输出


  1. <image-id>:<tag> The <tag> is optional, e.g. splatform/epinio-docker-desktop:latest.


  1. $ rdctl extension uninstall docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.2
  2. Uninstalling image docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.2: Deleted docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.2

rdctl list-settings

  • CLI
  • API

运行 rdctl list-settings 以查看当前的活动配置:


选项 & 示例输出


  1. > rdctl list-settings --help
  2. Lists the current settings in JSON format.
  3. Usage:
  4. rdctl list-settings [flags]
  5. Flags:
  6. -h, --help help for list-settings
  7. Global Flags:
  8. --config-path string config file (default /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/rd-engine.json)
  9. --host string default is localhost; most useful for WSL
  10. --password string overrides the password setting in the config file
  11. --port string overrides the port setting in the config file
  12. --user string overrides the user setting in the config file


  1. > rdctl list-settings
  2. {
  3. "version": 6,
  4. "application": {
  5. "adminAccess": false,
  6. "pathManagementStrategy": "rcfiles",
  7. "updater": {
  8. "enabled": false
  9. },
  10. "debug": false,
  11. "telemetry": {
  12. "enabled": true
  13. },
  14. "autoStart": false,
  15. "startInBackground": false,
  16. "hideNotificationIcon": false,
  17. "window": {
  18. "quitOnClose": false
  19. }
  20. },
  21. "virtualMachine": {
  22. "memoryInGB": 6,
  23. "numberCPUs": 2,
  24. "hostResolver": true
  25. },
  26. "WSL": {
  27. "integrations": {}
  28. },
  29. "containerEngine": {
  30. "allowedImages": {
  31. "enabled": false,
  32. "patterns": [
  33. "docker.io"
  34. ]
  35. },
  36. "name": "moby"
  37. },
  38. "kubernetes": {
  39. "version": "",
  40. "port": 6443,
  41. "enabled": false,
  42. "options": {
  43. "traefik": true,
  44. "flannel": true
  45. },
  46. "ingress": {
  47. "localhostOnly": false
  48. }
  49. },
  50. "portForwarding": {
  51. "includeKubernetesServices": false
  52. },
  53. "images": {
  54. "showAll": true,
  55. "namespace": "k8s.io"
  56. },
  57. "diagnostics": {
  58. "showMuted": false,
  59. "mutedChecks": {}
  60. },
  61. "experimental": {
  62. "virtualMachine": {
  63. "type": "qemu",
  64. "useRosetta": false,
  65. "socketVMNet": false,
  66. "mount": {
  67. "type": "reverse-sshfs",
  68. "9p": {
  69. "securityModel": "none",
  70. "protocolVersion": "9p2000.L",
  71. "msizeInKB": 128,
  72. "cacheMode": "mmap"
  73. }
  74. },
  75. "networkingTunnel": false
  76. }
  77. },
  78. "extensions": {
  79. "docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.2": true
  80. }
  81. }

调用以下 API 以查看当前的活动配置:



  1. curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" http://localhost:6107/v0/settings -X GET

注意-X GET 是可选的。你也可以单独使用前面的命令。

rdctl set

  • CLI
  • API

运行 rdctl set [flags] 来设置属性。在大多数情况下,Kubernetes 会在运行 set 命令时重置。你可以通过在单个命令中使用链接来设置多个属性。下面是一些参考示例:



  1. > rdctl set --kubernetes-enabled=false
  2. > rdctl set --container-engine docker --kubernetes-version 1.21.2

调用以下 API 来设置属性:



  1. curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" http://localhost:6107/v0/settings -d '{ "kubernetes": { "containerEngine": "docker", "enabled": false, "version":"1.23.5" }}' -X PUT

rdctl shutdown

  • CLI
  • API

运行 rdctl shutdown 来正常关闭 Rancher Desktop:



  1. > rdctl shutdown
  2. Shutting down.

调用以下 API 来关闭 Rancher Desktop:



  1. shutdown: curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" http://localhost:6107/v0/shutdown -X PUT

rdctl start

  • CLI
  • API

运行 rdctl start 来确保 Rancher Desktop 按照要求运行和配置:




  1. Usage:
  2. rdctl start [flags]
  3. Flags:
  4. --application.admin-access enable privileged operations
  5. --application.auto-start start app when logging in
  6. --application.debug generate more verbose logging
  7. --application.hide-notification-icon don't show notification icon
  8. --application.path-management-strategy string update PATH to include ~/.rd/bin (allowed values: [manual, rcfiles])
  9. --application.start-in-background start app without window
  10. --application.telemetry.enabled allow collection of anonymous statistics
  11. --application.updater.enabled automatically update to the latest release
  12. --application.window.quit-on-close terminate app when the main window is closed
  13. --container-engine.allowed-images.enabled only allow images to be pulled that match the allowed patterns
  14. --container-engine.name string set engine (allowed values: [containerd, docker, moby])
  15. --diagnostics.show-muted unhide muted diagnostics
  16. --experimental.virtual-machine.mount.9p.cache-mode string (allowed values: [none, loose, fscache, mmap])
  17. --experimental.virtual-machine.mount.9p.msize-in-kib int maximum packet size
  18. --experimental.virtual-machine.mount.9p.protocol-version string (allowed values: [9p2000, 9p2000.u, 9p2000.L])
  19. --experimental.virtual-machine.mount.9p.security-model string (allowed values: [passthrough, mapped-xattr, mapped-file, none])
  20. --experimental.virtual-machine.mount.type string how directories are shared (allowed values: [reverse-sshfs, 9p, virtiofs])
  21. --experimental.virtual-machine.socket-vmnet use socket-vmnet instead of vde-vmnet
  22. --experimental.virtual-machine.type string (allowed values: [qemu, vz])
  23. --experimental.virtual-machine.use-rosetta
  24. -h, --help help for start
  25. --images.namespace string select only images from this namespace (containerd only)
  26. --images.show-all show system images on Images page
  27. --kubernetes.enabled run Kubernetes
  28. --kubernetes.options.flannel use flannel networking; disable to install your own CNI
  29. --kubernetes.options.traefik install and run traefik
  30. --kubernetes.port int apiserver port
  31. --kubernetes.version string choose which version of Kubernetes to run
  32. --no-modal-dialogs avoid displaying dialog boxes
  33. -p, --path string path to main executable
  34. --port-forwarding.include-kubernetes-services show Kubernetes system services on Port Forwarding page
  35. --virtual-machine.memory-in-gb int reserved RAM size
  36. --virtual-machine.number-cpus int reserved number of CPUs
  37. Global Flags:
  38. --config-path string config file (default /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/rd-engine.json)
  39. --host string default is localhost; most useful for WSL
  40. --password string overrides the password setting in the config file
  41. --port string overrides the port setting in the config file
  42. --user string overrides the user setting in the config file


  1. > rdctl start --container-runtime dockerd -- kubernetes-version 1.19.3

调用以下 API 来确保 Rancher Desktop 按照要求运行和配置,请填写你的用户和密码:



  1. curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "user:PASSWORD" | base64)"

rdctl version

运行 rdctl version 来查看当前 rdctl CLI 的版本:



  1. > rdctl version
  2. rdctl client version: 1.1.0, targeting server version: v1