Version: v1.2

Web Service

Service-oriented components are components that support external access to services with the container as the core, and their functions cover the needs of most of he microservice scenarios.

Please copy shell below and apply to the cluster:

  1. cat <<EOF | vela up -f -
  2. # YAML begins
  3. apiVersion:
  4. kind: Application
  5. metadata:
  6. name: website
  7. spec:
  8. components:
  9. - name: frontend
  10. type: webservice
  11. properties:
  12. image: oamdev/testapp:v1
  13. cmd: ["node", "server.js"]
  14. port: 8080
  15. cpu: "0.1"
  16. env:
  17. - name: FOO
  18. value: bar
  19. # YAML ends
  20. EOF

You can also save the YAML file as website.yaml and use the vela up -f website.yaml command to deploy.

Next, check the deployment status of the application through vela status <application name>:

  1. $ vela status website
  2. About:
  3. Name: website
  4. Namespace: default
  5. Created at: 2022-01-11 21:04:59 +0800 CST
  6. Status: running
  7. Workflow:
  8. mode: DAG
  9. finished: true
  10. Suspend: false
  11. Terminated: false
  12. Steps
  13. - id:2y4rv8479h
  14. name:frontend
  15. type:apply-component
  16. phase:succeeded
  17. message:
  18. Services:
  19. - Name: frontend Env:
  20. Type: webservice
  21. healthy Ready:1/1

When we see that the finished field in Workflow is true and the Status is running, it means that the entire application is delivered successfully.

If status shows as rendering or healthy as false, it means that the application has either failed to deploy or is still being deployed. Please proceed according to the information returned in kubectl get application <application name> -o yaml.

You can also view application list by using the following command:

  1. $ vela ls
  3. website frontend webservice running healthy 2021-08-28 18:26:47 +0800 CST

We also see that the PHASE of the app is running and the STATUS is healthy.


cmdCommands to run in the container[]stringfalse
envDefine arguments by using environment variables[]envfalse
imageWhich image would you like to use for your servicestringtrue
portWhich port do you want customer traffic sent tointtrue80
imagePullPolicySpecify image pull policy for your servicestringfalse
cpuNumber of CPU units for the service, like 0.5 (0.5 CPU core), 1 (1 CPU core)stringfalse
memorySpecifies the attributes of the memory resource required for the container.stringfalse
volumesDeclare volumes and volumeMounts[]volumesfalse
livenessProbeInstructions for assessing whether the container is alive.livenessProbefalse
readinessProbeInstructions for assessing whether the container is in a suitable state to serve traffic.readinessProbefalse
imagePullSecretsSpecify image pull secrets for your service[]stringfalse


execInstructions for assessing container health by executing a command. Either this attribute or theexecfalse
httpGet attribute or the tcpSocket attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually exclusive
with both the httpGet attribute and the tcpSocket attribute.
httpGetInstructions for assessing container health by executing an HTTP GET request. Either this attributehttpGetfalse
or the exec attribute or the tcpSocket attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually
exclusive with both the exec attribute and the tcpSocket attribute.
tcpSocketInstructions for assessing container health by probing a TCP socket. Either this attribute or thetcpSocketfalse
exec attribute or the httpGet attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually exclusive with
both the exec attribute and the httpGet attribute.
initialDelaySecondsNumber of seconds after the container is started before the first probe is initiated.inttrue0
periodSecondsHow often, in seconds, to execute the probe.inttrue10
timeoutSecondsNumber of seconds after which the probe times out.inttrue1
successThresholdMinimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.inttrue1
failureThresholdNumber of consecutive failures required to determine the container is not alive (liveness probe) orinttrue3
not ready (readiness probe).


portThe TCP socket within the container that should be probed to assess container health.inttrue


pathThe endpoint, relative to the port, to which the HTTP GET request should be directed.stringtrue
portThe TCP socket within the container to which the HTTP GET request should be directed.inttrue
commandA command to be executed inside the container to assess its health. Each space delimited token of[]stringtrue
the command is a separate array element. Commands exiting 0 are considered to be successful probes,
whilst all other exit codes are considered failures.


execInstructions for assessing container health by executing a command. Either this attribute or theexecfalse
httpGet attribute or the tcpSocket attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually exclusive
with both the httpGet attribute and the tcpSocket attribute.
httpGetInstructions for assessing container health by executing an HTTP GET request. Either this attributehttpGetfalse
or the exec attribute or the tcpSocket attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually
exclusive with both the exec attribute and the tcpSocket attribute.
tcpSocketInstructions for assessing container health by probing a TCP socket. Either this attribute or thetcpSocketfalse
exec attribute or the httpGet attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually exclusive with
both the exec attribute and the httpGet attribute.
initialDelaySecondsNumber of seconds after the container is started before the first probe is initiated.inttrue0
periodSecondsHow often, in seconds, to execute the probe.inttrue10
timeoutSecondsNumber of seconds after which the probe times out.inttrue1
successThresholdMinimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.inttrue1
failureThresholdNumber of consecutive failures required to determine the container is not alive (liveness probe) orinttrue3
not ready (readiness probe).
portThe TCP socket within the container that should be probed to assess container health.inttrue
pathThe endpoint, relative to the port, to which the HTTP GET request should be directed.stringtrue
portThe TCP socket within the container to which the HTTP GET request should be directed.inttrue
commandA command to be executed inside the container to assess its health. Each space delimited token of[]stringtrue
the command is a separate array element. Commands exiting 0 are considered to be successful probes,
whilst all other exit codes are considered failures.


typeSpecify volume type, options: “pvc”,”configMap”,”secret”,”emptyDir”stringtrue


nameEnvironment variable namestringtrue
valueThe value of the environment variablestringfalse
valueFromSpecifies a source the value of this var should come fromvalueFromfalse


secretKeyRefSelects a key of a secret in the pod’s namespacesecretKeyReftrue


nameThe name of the secret in the pod’s namespace to select fromstringtrue
keyThe key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret keystringtrue