Version: v1.2

Deploy First Application

Before starting, please confirm that you’ve installed KubeVela Core and VelaUX in the control plane cluster based on Installation

If you want to use KubeVela CLI for application delivery, please check Deliver First Application in the Vela CLI manual.

Welcome to KubeVela! In this section, we show you how to deliver your first app via VelaUX.

Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a Docker image. we use crccheck/hello-world for this time. Double-check if you’re able to download it properly.
  2. Create the first Application of webervice which is the common way to deploy stateless service.
  3. Check out the status of the Application’s instance.

You’ll get to know:

Choosing deployment type and Environment

After VelaUX is installed, the first page you enter is for managing the app:

Deploy First Application - 图1

Then click the button of New Application on the upper-right, type in these things:

  1. Name and other basic Infos.
  2. Choose the deployment type. In this case, we use webservice to deploy Stateless Application.
  3. Choose your environment. We select the Default Environment based on the Default Target.

Deploy First Application - 图2

Setting up properties

Next step, we see the page of properties. Configure following:

  • Image address crccheck/hello-world

Other properties can be left blank for this case

Deploy First Application - 图3

Confirmed. Notice that this application is only created but not deployed yet. VelaUX defaultly generates Workflow and replicas of Trait.

Deploy First Application - 图4

Executing Workflow to deploy

Click Development Environment and switch to the dev environment, deploy it. Or click the deploy button on the upper-right. When the workflow is finished, you’ll get to see the list of instances lying within.

Deploy First Application - 图5

In the process of deploying, you can click Check the details to view the status of the application:

Deploy First Application - 图6

Deleting Application

If you want to delete the application when it’s no longer used, simply:

  1. Enter the page of environment, click Recycle to reclaim the resources that this environment used.
  2. Go back to the list of applications and click the drop-down menu to remove it.

That’s it! You succeed at the first application delivery. Congratulation!

Next Step

  • View Tutorials to look on more of what you can achieve with KubeVela.
  • View How To guides to check out more features.