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Enable Key Auth in the Dev Portal

The Kong Dev Portal can be fully or partially authenticated using API keys or Key Authentication. Users provide a unique key upon registering and use this key to log into the Dev Portal.

Key Authentication for the Dev Portal can be enabled in three ways:

Warning Enabling authentication in the Dev Portal requires use of the Sessions plugin. Developers will not be able to login if this is not set properly. More information about Sessions in the Dev Portal

Enable Portal Session Config

  1. portal_session_conf={ "cookie_name": "portal_session", "secret": "CHANGE_THIS", "storage": "kong" }

If using HTTP while testing, include "cookie_secure": false in the config:

  1. portal_session_conf={ "cookie_name": "portal_session", "secret": "CHANGE_THIS", "storage": "kong", "cookie_secure": false }

Enable Key Auth via Kong Manager

  1. Navigate to the Dev Portal’s Settings page.
  2. Find Authentication plugin under the Authentication tab.
  3. Select Key Authentication from the drop down.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Warning When Dev Portal Authentication is enabled, content files will remain unauthenticated until a role is applied to them. The exception to this is settings.txt and dashboard.txt which begin with the * role. Please visit the Developer Roles and Content Permissions section for more info.

Enable Key Auth via the Command Line

To patch a Dev Portal’s authentication property directly, run:

  1. curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001/workspaces/<WORKSPACE NAME> \
  2. --data "config.portal_auth=key-auth"

Warning When Dev Portal Authentication is enabled, content files will remain unauthenticated until a role is applied to them. The exception to this is settings.txt and dashboard.txt which begin with the * role. Please visit the Developer Roles and Content Permissions section for more info.

Enable Key Auth via the Kong.conf

Kong allows for a default authentication plugin to be set in the Kong configuration file with the portal_auth property.

In your kong.conf file, set the property as follows:

  1. portal_auth="key-auth"

This will set every Dev Portal to use Key Authentication by default when initialized, regardless of Workspace.