On Azure Postgres FelxibleServer​

In this guide we show how to deploy EdgeDB on Azure using Postgres FelxibleServer as the backend.


  • Valid Azure Subscription with billing enabled or credits (free trial).

  • Azure CLI (install).

Provision an EdgeDB instance​

Login to your azure account.

  1. az login

Create a new resource group.

  1. GROUP=my-group-name
  1. az group create --name $GROUP --location westus

Provision a PostgreSQL server.

If you already have a database provisioned you can skip this step.

If you get an error saying Specified server name is already used. change the server name and rerun the command.

  1. PG_SERVER_NAME=postgres-for-edgedb
  1. read -rsp "Password: " PASSWORD
  1. az postgres flexible-server create \
  2. --resource-group $GROUP \
  3. --name $PG_SERVER_NAME \
  4. --location westus \
  5. --admin-user edgedb \
  6. --admin-password $PASSWORD \
  7. --sku-name Standard_D2s_v3 \
  8. --version 12 \
  9. --yes

Allow other azure services access to the postgres instance.

  1. az postgres flexible-server firewall-rule create \
  2. --resource-group $GROUP \
  3. --name $PG_SERVER_NAME \
  4. --rule-name allow-azure-internal \
  5. --start-ip-address \
  6. --end-ip-address

Start an EdgeDB container.

  1. PG_HOST=$(
  2. az postgres flexible-server list \
  3. --resource-group $GROUP \
  4. --query "[?name=='$PG_SERVER_NAME'].fullyQualifiedDomainName | [0]" \
  5. --output tsv
  6. )
  1. DSN="postgresql://edgedb:$PASSWORD@$PG_HOST/postgres?sslmode=require"
  1. az container create \
  2. --resource-group $GROUP \
  3. --name edgedb-container-group \
  4. --image edgedb/edgedb:nightly \
  5. --dns-name-label edgedb \
  6. --ports 5656 \
  7. --secure-environment-variables \
  10. --environment-variables \
  11. EDGEDB_SERVER_TLS_CERT_MODE=generate_self_signed \

Persist the SSL certificate. We have configured EdgeDB to generate a self signed SSL certificate when it starts. However, if the container is restarted a new certificate would be generated. To preserve the certificate across failures or reboots copy the certificate files and use their contents in the EDGEDB_SERVER_TLS_KEY and EDGEDB_SERVER_TLS_CERT environment variables.

  1. key="$( az container exec \
  2. --resource-group $GROUP \
  3. --name edgedb-container-group \
  4. --exec-command "cat /etc/ssl/edgedb/edbprivkey.pem" \
  5. | tr -d "\r" )"
  1. cert="$( az container exec \
  2. --resource-group $GROUP \
  3. --name edgedb-container-group \
  4. --exec-command "cat /etc/ssl/edgedb/edbtlscert.pem" \
  5. | tr -d "\r" )"
  1. az container delete \
  2. --resource-group $GROUP \
  3. --name edgedb-container-group \
  4. --yes
  1. az container create \
  2. --resource-group $GROUP \
  3. --name edgedb-container-group \
  4. --image edgedb/edgedb:nightly \
  5. --dns-name-label edgedb \
  6. --ports 5656 \
  7. --secure-environment-variables \
  10. --environment-variables \

To access the EdgeDB instance you’ve just provisioned on Azure from your local machine link the instance.

  1. printf $PASSWORD | edgedb instance link \
  2. --password-from-stdin \
  3. --non-interactive \
  4. --trust-tls-cert \
  5. --host $( \
  6. az container list \
  7. --resource-group $GROUP \
  8. --query "[?name=='edgedb-container-group'].ipAddress.fqdn | [0]" \
  9. --output tsv ) \
  10. azure

You can now connect to your instance.

  1. edgedb -I azure