Part 30 - ASM Hacking 3 [Moving Data Between Memory And Registers]

For a complete table of contents of all the lessons please click below as it will give you a brief of each lesson in addition to the topics it will cover.

Let’s hack!

Part 30 - ASM Hacking 3 [Moving Data Between Memory And Registers] - 图1

Specifically we will move the value of inside the constant integer of 10 decimal into ECX like before.

Part 30 - ASM Hacking 3 [Moving Data Between Memory And Registers] - 图2

We open GDB in quiet mode and break on _start and run by following the commands above.

Part 30 - ASM Hacking 3 [Moving Data Between Memory And Registers] - 图3

As we can see when we info registers the value of ECX is 0. Let’s do a si and another si.

Part 30 - ASM Hacking 3 [Moving Data Between Memory And Registers] - 图4

As you can see the value of ECX is 10 decimal or 0xa hex as it was in the prior lesson now lets hack that value to something else.

Let’s set $ecx = 1337 and do an i r.

Part 30 - ASM Hacking 3 [Moving Data Between Memory And Registers] - 图5

As you can clearly see we have hacked the value of ECX to 0x539 hex or 1337 decimal.

As I have stated throughout this series. Each of these lessons are very bite-sized examples so that you get the hard muscle memory on how to hack through a variety of situations so that you ultimately have a complete mastery of processor control.

I look forward to seeing you all next week when we dive into creating our fourth assembly program!