Part 28 – Hacking Integer Variables

For a complete table of contents of all the lessons please click below as it will give you a brief of each lesson in addition to the topics it will cover.

Let’s review our code.

Part 28 – Hacking Integer Variables - 图1

Let’s hack!

Part 28 – Hacking Integer Variables - 图2

Let’s take a look again inside the memory location of 0x10730.

Part 28 – Hacking Integer Variables - 图3

As we can clearly see the integer value of 777 appears and when we continue it echoes out to the terminal the value of 777 which corresponds with our c++ function cout.

Let’s hack the value inside of 0x10730 and set the value to 666 and then reexamine the value inside 0x10730 and continue.

Part 28 – Hacking Integer Variables - 图4

Success! As we can see we hacked the value to 666 as we continue we see it echoed out to stdout.

Next week we will dive into Float Variables.