gitlabci-golang Plugin

This plugin creates Golang GitLab CI workflow.


This plugin depends on an environment variable “GITLAB_TOKEN”, which is your GitLab personal access token.

TL;DR: if you are using (instead of a self-hosted GitLab), click here to create a token for DevStream (the scope contains API only.)

If you are using self-hosted GitLab, refer to the official doc here for more info.

Note: when creating the token, make sure you select “API” in the “scopes” section, as DevStream uses GitLab API to add CI workflow files.

Plugin config example:

  1. tools:
  2. # name of the tool
  3. - name: gitlabci-golang
  4. # id of the tool instance
  5. instanceID: default
  6. # format: name.instanceID; If specified, dtm will make sure the dependency is applied first before handling this tool.
  7. dependsOn: []
  8. # options for the plugin
  9. options:
  10. # owner/repo; "path with namespace" is only GitLab API's way of saying the same thing; please change the values below.
  12. # main branch of the repo (to which branch the plugin will submit the workflows)
  13. branch: main

All parameters are mandatory.