dtm init

dtm init will download the required plugins according to the tool file in the config.

For config file, tool file, see the config section of this documentation.

Downloading Plugins

Before v0.5.0 (included,) dtm releases plugins to the GitHub releases page.

When you run dtm init, dtm will decide which plugins exist and which do not (based on the config file/tool file,) then download the plugins that are needed but don’t exist locally from the GitHub release page.

After v0.5.0 (feature work in progress now), dtm will release plugins to an AWS S3 bucket. When running dtm init, it will download plugins from the AWS S3 bucket instead (through Cloudflare CDN.)

Init Logic

  • Based on the config file and the tool file, decide which plugins are required.
  • If the plugin exists locally and the version is correct, do nothing.
  • If the plugin is missing, download the plugin.
  • After downloading, dtm also downloads the md5 value of that plugin and compares them. If matched, succeed.