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  • 简介

    2442 2018-02-27 《libuv中文教程》
    Introduction Who this book is for Background Code Introduction 本书由很多的libuv教程组成,libuv是一个高性能的,事件驱动的I/O库,并且提供了跨平台(如windows, linux)的API。 本书会涵盖libuv的主要部分,但是不会详细地讲解每一个函数和数据结构。官...
  • 关于

    1065 2018-02-27 《libuv中文教程》
    About Licensing About Nikhil Marathe 在某一个下午(June 16, 2012)开始写这本书。当他在写node-taglib 的时候苦于没有好的libuv文档。虽然已经有了官方文档,但是没有好理解的教程。本书正是应需求而生,并且努力变得准确。也就是说,本书中可能会有错误。所以鼓励大家Pull requests。你...
  • Addons 扩展

    848 2018-02-06 《nodejs中文文档》
    Addons 扩展 Addons 扩展 扩展是动态链接的共享对象,可以与C 和C++ 库链合。目前API 是相当复杂,涉及数个库的知识: V8 JavaScript, C++ 库。能在C++中与JavaScript 链合:创建对象,调用函数等。文档大部份存放於v8.h 的标头文件(deps/v8/include/v8.h)。 libev, C...
  • Incompatible changes in 2.4

    Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 2.4 Changed behavior V8 upgrade Default endpoint Replication Build process changes Miscellaneous changes Deprecated features Removed feature...
  • Incompatible changes in 2.4

    Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 2.4 Changed behavior V8 upgrade Default endpoint Replication Build process changes Miscellaneous changes Deprecated features Removed feature...
  • Incompatible changes in 2.4

    Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 2.4 Changed behavior V8 upgrade Default endpoint Replication Build process changes Miscellaneous changes Deprecated features Removed feature...
  • Incompatible changes in 2.4

    Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 2.4 Changed behavior V8 upgrade Default endpoint Replication Build process changes Miscellaneous changes Deprecated features Removed feature...
  • Incompatible changes in 2.4

    Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 2.4 Changed behavior V8 upgrade Default endpoint Replication Build process changes Miscellaneous changes Deprecated features Removed feature...
  • Incompatible changes in 2.4

    Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 2.4 Changed behavior V8 upgrade Default endpoint Replication Build process changes Miscellaneous changes Deprecated features Removed feature...
  • uWSGI asynchronous/non-blocking modes (updated to uWSGI 1.9)

    uWSGI asynchronous/non-blocking modes (updated to uWSGI 1.9) Glossary Suspend/Resume engines I/O engines (or event systems) Loop engines Async switches Running uWSGI in Async ...