Learning Pixi Learning Pixi A step-by-step introduction to making games and interactive media with the Pixi rendering engine . Updated for Pixi v4.5.5 . Chinese version here: ...
Pixi sprites Pixi sprites Now that you have a renderer, you can start adding images to it. Anything you want to be made visible in the renderer has to be added to a special Pix...
Creating the Pixi Application and stage Creating the Pixi Application and stage Now you can start using Pixi! But how? The first step is to create a rectangular display are...
Pixi’s Graphic Primitives Rectangles Circles Ellipses Rounded rectangles Lines Polygons Pixi’s Graphic Primitives Using image textures is one of the most useful ways of m...
Setting up Installing Pixi Setting up Before you start writing any code, create a folder for your project, and launch a webserver in the project’s root directory. If you aren’...