书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.015 秒,为您找到 51 个相关结果.
  • Displaying sprites

    777 2021-07-27 《Learning Pixi》
    Displaying sprites Using aliases A little more about loading things Make a sprite from an ordinary JavaScript Image object or Canvas Assigning a name to a loading file Monitorin...
  • 显示文本

    8297 2018-02-28 《Pixi教程》
    显示文本 显示文本 使用一个 Text 对象 (PIXI.Text )在舞台上展示文本。简单来说,你可以这样使用它: let message = new Text ( "Hello Pixi!" ); app . stage . addChild ( message ); 这将会在画布上展示文本“Hello, Pixi...
  • Creating sprites from a loaded texture atlas

    1013 2021-07-27 《Learning Pixi》
    Creating sprites from a loaded texture atlas Creating sprites from a loaded texture atlas Pixi gives you three general ways to create a sprite from a texture atlas: Using Tex...
  • Make a sprite from a tileset sub-image

    721 2021-07-27 《Learning Pixi》
    Make a sprite from a tileset sub-image Make a sprite from a tileset sub-image You now know how to make a sprite from a single image file. But, as a game designer, you’ll usuall...
  • Displaying text

    711 2021-07-27 《Learning Pixi》
    Displaying text Displaying text Use a Text object (PIXI.Text ) to display text on the stage. In its simplest form, you can do it like this: let message = new Text ( "He...
  • Loading images into the texture cache

    1579 2021-07-27 《Learning Pixi》
    Loading images into the texture cache Loading images into the texture cache Because Pixi renders the image on the GPU with WebGL, the image needs to be in a format that the GPU...
  • Taking it further

    599 2021-07-27 《Learning Pixi》
    Taking it further Hexi BabylonJS Taking it further Pixi can do a lot, but it can’t do everything! If you want to start making games or complex interactive applications with P...
  • Please help to support this project!

    631 2021-07-27 《Learning Pixi》
    Please help to support this project! Please help to support this project! Buy the book! Incredibly, someone actually paid me to finish writing this tutorial and turn it into a ...
  • 介绍

    12337 2018-02-28 《Pixi教程》
    介绍 Pixi是一个超快的2D渲染引擎。这意味着什么呢?这意味着它会帮助你用JavaScript或者其他HTML5技术来显示媒体,创建动画或管理交互式图像,从而制作一个游戏或应用。它拥有语义化的,简洁的API接口并且加入了一些非常有用的特性。比如支持纹理贴图集和为精灵(交互式图像)提供了一个简单的动画系统。它也提供了一个完备的场景图,你可以在精灵图层里面...
  • 移动精灵

    9558 2018-02-28 《Pixi教程》
    移动精灵 现在你知道了如何展示精灵,但是让它们移动呢?很简单:使用Pixi的ticker 。这被称为 游戏循环 。任何在游戏循环里的代码都会1秒更新60次。你可以用下面的代码让 cat 精灵以每帧1像素的速率移动。 function setup () { //Start the game loop by adding ...