Quick Start Play online Prerequisites New project Development server Next steps Quick Start Starting fresh? Getting started with Nuxt 3 is straightforward! Play online Y...
Roadmap 📢 Announcements 📅 Release schedule Current Releases 🛣️ Roadmap 📦 Core Modules Roadmap Nuxt is constantly evolving, with new features and modules being added all the...
Nuxt configuration file Nuxt configuration file Nuxt can be easily configured with a single nuxt.config file, which can have either a .js , .ts or .mjs extension. import {...
What is Nuxt? Why Nuxt? How does it work? Are you Nuxt? Are you courageously Nuxt? What is Nuxt? Nuxt goal is to make web development intuitive and performant with a great d...
How Nuxt Works? The Nuxt interface The NuxtApp interface Runtime Context vs. Build Context How Nuxt Works? Nuxt is a minimal but highly customizable framework to build web ap...
ES Modules Background CommonJS Modules ESM Syntax What is ‘Native’ ESM? What are valid imports in a Node.js context? What kinds of problems can there be? Troubleshooting ESM ...