
Nuxt is constantly evolving, with new features and modules being added all the time. This page lists the current status and schedule of our planned releases.

📢 Announcements

📅 Release schedule

ReleaseExpected dateDescription
[email protected]April 20, 2022Nuxt v3 first release candidate
[email protected]April, 2022Nuxt v2 cumulative updates for future compatibility
[email protected]June 2022Nuxt v3 stable release

Current Releases

Currently, Nuxt 2 is considered the stable version.

The latest updates on Nuxt 2.x are available via the nuxt-edge npm package and are expected to be released alongside the first release candidate of Nuxt 3 for future compatibility. Nuxt 3 is under development and available as the nuxt3 npm package with automated releases for beta testing.

ReleasenpmStatusLast ReleaseDocsRepository
Nuxt 2.xnuxtMaintenanceRoadmap - 图12.x docsnuxt/nuxt.js#2.x
Nuxt 2.x (edge)nuxt-edgeMaintenanceRoadmap - 图22.x docsnuxt/nuxt.js
Nuxt 3.x (edge)nuxt3DevelopmentRoadmap - 图33.x docsnuxt/framework

(*) Edge releases are automated after each commit passing tests

🛣️ Roadmap

In roadmap below are the major expected features that are coming soon with Nuxt 3.

💡 Check Discussions and RFCs for more upcoming features and ideas.

MilestoneExpected dateNotesDescription
NitropackQ1 2022nuxt/framework#3161Stable and full-featured server engine for Nuxt 3
Generate and CachingQ1 2022nuxt/framework#3161Route caching rules and full static generation
Test UtilsQ1 2022nuxt/framework#3198A rewrite of nuxt/test-utils for testing Nuxt 3 and new modules
Nuxt 3 RCQ1 2022nuxt/framework#3447Nuxt v3 first release candidate
ExtendingQ1 2022nuxt/framework#3222Native extending and theme support
Content v2Q2 2022-A rewrite of nuxt/content for Nuxt 3 support
DevToolsQ2 2022-An integrated devtools experience for Nuxt
AuthQ2 2022-A rewrite of nuxt-community/auth-module for Nuxt 3 support
SEO & PWAQ2 2022nuxt/framework#1823Migrating from nuxt-community/pwa-module for built-in SEO utils and service worker support
TranslationsQ2/Q3 2022nuxt/translations#4 (private)A collaborative project for a stable translation process for Nuxt 3 docs. Currently pending for ideas and documentation tooling support (content v2 with remote sources).

📦 Core Modules

In addition to the Nuxt framework, there are modules that are vital for the ecosystem. Their status will be updated below.

ModuleStatusNuxt SupportRepositoryDescription
Content 1.xMaintenance2.xnuxt/contentmaintenance only
Content 2.xWIP3.xnuxt/content-nextPrivate Beta
AuthWIP3.xnuxt/authPrivate Beta
ImageActive2.xnuxt/imageNuxt 3 support planned
TelemetryActive2.xnuxt/telemetryNuxt 3 support planned