Translate Instances Node 输入 属性 输出 Translate Instances Node The Translate Instances node. The Translate Instances node moves top-level geometry instances in local or global...
Set ID Node 输入 属性 输出 Set ID Node Set ID node. The Set ID node fills the id attribute on the input geometry. If the attribute does not exist yet, it will be created with a...
Separate Geometry Node 输入 属性 输出 Separate Geometry Node The Separate Geometry node. The Separate Geometry node produces two geometry outputs. Based on the Selection input, ...
Spline Resolution Node 输入 属性 输出 Spline Resolution Node Spline Resolution node. The Spline Resolution outputs the number of evaluated curve points that will be generated fo...
Spline Length Node 输入 属性 输出 Spline Length Node Spline Length node. The Spline Length node outputs the total length of each spline, as a distance, or a number of points. Th...
Is Spline Cyclic Node 输入 属性 输出 Is Spline Cyclic Node Is Spline Cyclic node. The Is Spline Cyclic controls whether each of the curve splines start and endpoints form a conn...
Resample Curve Node 输入 属性 输出 Resample Curve Node The Resample Curve node. The Resample Curve node creates a poly spline for each input spline. In the Count and Length mode...
Combine RGB Node 输入 属性 输出 Combine RGB Node 合成 RGB The Combine RGB Node combines an image from its composite color channels. 输入 R (红) G (绿) B (蓝) 属性 这个节点没有属性。 ...