支持TypeScript的编辑器 快捷列表 Atom Eclipse Emacs NetBeans Sublime Text TypeScript Builder Vim 语法高亮 语言服务工具 Visual Studio 2013/2015 Visual Studio Code Webstorm 支持TypeScript的...
着色器编辑器 标题栏 侧栏 选项 着色器编辑器 The Shader Editor is used to edit materials which are used for rendering . Materials used by Cycles and EEVEE are defined using a node tree. Therefore...
序列编辑器 & 预览 序列编辑器 & 预览 此视图类型在一个编辑器内同时显示预览和序列编辑器。 图1 :组合式测序仪和预览 In general, it’s better to avoid this view type and instead have two editors, one serving as the Preview and th...