Using GIProbe Introduction Setting up Adding lights Reflections Interior vs exterior Tweaking Quality Using GIProbe Introduction Note This feature is only available whe...
Layers Layers List Masks Transform Adjustments Relations Display Layers Reference Mode: All Modes Panel: Object Data tab ‣ Layers Shortcut: Y Layers List Grease ...
Layers Layers List Masks Transform Adjustments Relations Display Layers Reference Mode: All Modes Panel: Object Data tab ‣ Layers Shortcut: Y Layers List Grease Pe...
材质设置 曲面 体积光渲染 材质设置 参考 面板 材质 ‣ 设置 和 着色器编辑器 ‣ 侧栏 ‣ 设置 曲面 多重重要性采样 By default objects with emitting materials use both direct and indirect light sampling methods. But in some...
视图着色 线框 实体 选项 材质预览 渲染 视图着色 参考 模式: 所有模式 标题栏: Viewport Shading 快捷键: Z Shift-Z Blender offers different shading modes for helping with different tasks. For example, So...
光泽 BSDF 输入 属性 输出 示例 光泽 BSDF 光泽 BSDF节点。 The Glossy BSDF node is used to add reflection with microfacet distribution, used for materials such as metal or mirrors. 输入 颜色 ...