模板 欧美漫画模板 设计模板 单反相机模板 纹理模板 模板 Templates are just .kra files which are saved in a special location, so it can be pulled up by Krita quickly. This is like the Open Existing...
权重绘制工具 权重绘制工具 For Grease Pencil Weight Paint modes each brush type is exposed as a tool, the brush can be changed in the Tool Settings. See Brush for more information. 绘制 ...
蜡笔着色器 参数 笔画 填充 蜡笔着色器 仅激活笔画组件的着色器面板。 The Grease Pencil shader creates a material that can work with strokes and/or filled areas of a Grease Pencil object. 笔画和填充组件具有自己的分面板...
擦除工具 Brush Settings 使用方法 选择笔刷 消融擦除 点擦除 笔画擦除 擦除工具 参考 模式 绘制模式 工具 工具栏 ‣ 擦除 此工具擦除已绘制的笔画。 Brush Settings Radius The radius of the brush in pixels. F allows you to ch...
笔刷设置 通用 高级 拾色器 颜色 渐变 调色板 笔刷设置 Each mode and brush has unique brush settings. But there is also a lot of overlap or similar settings. This page explains general and mode sp...