Installation Package Installation (Linux) ZIP (Linux、MacOS) Install EMQX in Docker (Contain a simple docker-compose cluster) Run a single container create a simple static cluste...
数据导入导出 GET /api/v4/data/export POST /api/v4/data/export POST /api/v4/data/import GET /api/v4/data/file/{filename} POST /api/v4/data/file DELETE /api/v4/data/file/{filename} ...
统计指标 GET /api/v4/topic-metrics GET /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} POST /api/v4/topic-metrics DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics 统计指标 GET /a...
订阅信息 GET /api/v4/subscriptions GET /api/v4/subscriptions/{clientid} GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/subscriptions GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/subscriptions/{clientid} 订阅信息 GET /api...
Mnesia Authentication Authentication rules Hash method Preset authentication data Use the HTTP API to manage authentication data Add authentication data Add authentication data...
路由 GET /api/v4/routes GET /api/v4/routes/{topic} 路由 GET /api/v4/routes 返回集群下的所有路由信息,支持分页机制。 Query String Parameters: Name Type Required Default Description _page Integer...
Installation Package Installation (Linux) ZIP (Linux、MacOS、Windows) Running EMQX in Docker (Contain a simple docker-compose cluster) Run a single container Create a simple stati...
数据遥测 PUT /api/v4/telemetry/status GET /api/v4/telemetry/status GET /api/v4/telemetry/data 数据遥测 数据遥测 PUT /api/v4/telemetry/status 启用或关闭数据遥测功能。 Path Parameters: 无 Parame...
主题订阅 POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe 主题订阅 POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe 订阅 MQTT 主题。 Parameters (json): Name Type Required Default Description top...