主题订阅 POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe 主题订阅 POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe 订阅 MQTT 主题。 Parameters (json): Name Type Required Default Description top...
资源 GET api/v4/resources/{resource_id} POST /api/v4/resources DELETE /api/v4/resources/{resource_id} 资源 管理规则引擎的资源。资源是资源类型的实例,用于维护数据库连接等相关资源。 GET api/v4/resources/{resource...
资源 GET api/v4/resources/{resource_id} POST /api/v4/resources DELETE /api/v4/resources/{resource_id} 资源 管理规则引擎的资源。资源是资源类型的实例,用于维护数据库连接等相关资源。 GET api/v4/resources/{resource...
Mnesia ACL ACL rules ACL Rule Structure Body Use the HTTP API to manage ACL rules Add ACL rule Add ACL rules in batch Check the added ACL rules Check Username/Clientid specifi...
路由 GET /api/v4/routes GET /api/v4/routes/{topic} 路由 GET /api/v4/routes 返回集群下的所有路由信息,支持分页机制。 Query String Parameters: Name Type Required Default Description _page Integer...
主题统计指标 GET /api/v4/topic-metrics GET /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} POST /api/v4/topic-metrics DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics 主题统计指标 GE...
统计指标 GET /api/v4/topic-metrics GET /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} POST /api/v4/topic-metrics DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics 统计指标 GET /a...
主题统计指标 GET /api/v4/topic-metrics GET /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} POST /api/v4/topic-metrics DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic} DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics 主题统计指标 GE...
数据遥测 PUT /api/v4/telemetry/status GET /api/v4/telemetry/status GET /api/v4/telemetry/data 数据遥测 数据遥测 PUT /api/v4/telemetry/status 启用或关闭数据遥测功能。 Path Parameters: 无 Parame...